Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Walkthrough Part 1: Control Explanation Fail (With Commentary)

15 years ago

Be sure to read the video descriptions for additional info on videos as you go!

Walkthrough and game info:
Platform: Nintendo Gamecube
Recorded with: Canon Powershot S3iS camera
Video Editing Program: Windows Movie Maker


Part 1: Control Explanation Fail

Opening - Banana Kingdom

Yeppers, I explain the controls... badly, play through the opening level as a tutorial and the first Kingdom. Remember that clapping is your friend and actually solves most of the puzzles and stuns most enemies.

Here's the REAL controls:
Right Bongo - Run Right
Left Bongo - Run Left
Both - Jump
Clap - Clap Shockwave
Run and jump into a wall then press the bongo in the opposite direction to wall jump.
Run, then press the opposite bongo to make DK slide, then jump to back flip combo...
In the middle of a back flip, press both Bongos to Ground Pound. (Combo 3)

That's all.

Boss: Dread Kong:

First the "boxing" controls:
Right Bongo - Right Hand Punch
Left Bongo - Guess, lol!
Clap - Dodge Backwards
Both - Hand Push (Like a Sumo Wrestler's Slap)

When he is about to punch you, clap to back away, then quickly hit any bongo to stun him with a punch then hit the bongos with alternating hands to punch him like mad. That's it. Easy. :P


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