GIMP Channel Theme Creation Part 2 (Read Description)

15 years ago

(Update: I know these videos are quite outdated since you can no longer make backgrounds for your channel. Yet they aren't at the same time because you can apply these techniques for making channel art)

This is part 2 of a 4-part step-by-step tutorial on how to make YOUR own channel themes for free. Remember, You can do ANYTHING you want with your channel once you know how to make the boxes and stuff. This is just a general tutorial on how to customize things with my templates. A bonus tip is to put all of these boxes on their own layer as you go.

I apologize for the sound in the video. It's a little skippy and laggy because at this time I didn't know how to configure Camstudio properly yet. Side note: To fix the sound problem yourself if you have it, enable "MCI Recording" in the audio options.

Annotation correction corner:
10:36 I meant to say the file size is 1.35MB.
10:41 Update. The maximum file size is actually 1MB despite what Youtube says.
10:48 I didn't mean "scale", I meant "crop" off some of the bottom. But a easier way to do it is just to lower the quality when you save it and keep checking if you made it under the limit.

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