GIMP Youtube Icon Creation

14 years ago

All you'll need is GIMP and an image you like. (Or draw your own.)

Get GIMP here:

Updated: DuckDuckGo is a better image search engine:

Where annotations once were:
0:25 Unless you want to freehand draw your image, then just start with a blank square image.
2:03 Unless you don't care how it looks, lol!
2:46 If you would like, you can "cut a hole" into a image using the eraser tool or similar making it transparent providing that there is a alpha channel enabled for the layer. (Right click on the layer then "Add Alpha Channel")
2:52 However, when you save your image later, you have to have it in a file format that allows transparency like .PNG.
3:05 Note: You won't have to blend the background color with the image's colors EVERY time you make an icon, this is just in case you need to.
6:22 .JPEG is not the only option you have to use anymore on Youtube. Youtube now allows .BMP, .PNG and .GIF images. No animations are allowed anymore though.


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