New Super Mario Bros. Wii Walkthrough Part 6: Stoked Pokey

14 years ago

Re-edit and re-upload because my editor messed up and didn't cut something long out that it was supposed to cut when I cut it. It also messed up a part of the recording and made it jump left and right. THAT was the spot it messed up on and was supposed to cut.

I didn't think of checking it after it produced to make sure it cut out because it never did that with any video I edited before with any editor. I certainly have been having an unlucky streak haven't I? Well, at least it didn't do the opposite and cut something out it wasn't supposed to and I couldn't recover it.

Naturally since this is a reupload it has less views than a fresh one. So don't panic. :3 The original had like 530 views. So, add them to whatever number is on this one for the best accuracy.

Now for the real description:

Yoshi levels are always fun. Yoshi-based enemies help add a nice touch too!

Also... How much do you have to pay to get quality quicksand these days? *Sigh!*

0:00 2-5
7:25 2-6
12:07 2-Toad (Sand Trap)


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