Zelda: Twilight Princess Walkthrough Part 13: The Road Back

12 years ago

To those having issues watching my videos due to a new bug cropping them: I explain it partially in the end of this video, BUT, I'm going to try something. IcebergRedux http://www.youtube.com/IcebergRedux) said that adding in the "yt:stretch=16:9 tag into the video's tags is what causes it right now. So, I'm going to try and remove that tag and see if that fixes the issue for you, even if it may not fill your widescreen monitor. :P I could always stretch it later once the buggy Youtube problem resolves. But for now, if it works, it'll have to do! If it works, I'll remove them from the other Zelda videos too for a while. If you have/had the bug, tell me if this works for you. Thanks!

Anyway, real description time:
After exploring Kakariko Village for a bit, we find that we have to travel back to Ordon to get something from Mayor Bo. Along the way it's a good idea to pick up some of the stuff we can get now. ;D

Edit: Heart Piece collecting video thumbnail?!?! Awesome! Ha ha!


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