Super Bomberman Walkthrough Part 5: Longer Than Expected

12 years ago

I... didn't know when to stop this part! If I stopped after level 5, that would be too short of a part. If I stopped after level 6, then I would have had only the credits and story explanation in it's own part (The next one). If I stopped in the middle of a level 6 stage where the 15-minute split would normally be, it would throw off the flow of the video. So here's a 30-minute video for you!

Level timestamps / Passwords:
0:00 5-1 - 5252
0:37 5-2 - 7204
0:51 5-3 - 5244
1:32 5-4 - 6213
2:25 5-5 - 4224
3:26 5-6 - 1264
4:42 5-7 - 3232
6:12 5-8 - No password
Note that the "stages" here aren't defined by anything if you don't game over as they just flow from one to another after you defeat a Mecha Bomberman. But, I assure you these are actually considered individual levels, lol!

7:09 6-1 - 0652
8:48 6-2 - 3605
9:55 6-3 - 7645
11:14 6-4 - 5615
13:14 6-5 - 7623
14:41 6-6 - 4665
15:49 6-7 - 1635
16:55 6-8 - 5672 (The final boss actually has a secret password? Yep! lol!)


(This video was made in "Fair Use")

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