The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Walkthrough Part 41: The HUGE Finale!

10 years ago

When I noticed how unexpectedly long this was getting, I considered splitting it in multiple parts, but decided not to in order to try and make up for the lack of videos the last two days. Plus it'll also make for a mega-special finale of sorts to this walkthrough. ;) If you don't have time for it all at once, you can simply watch it in segments by seeking back to where you last left off in the video.

I'm rather pleased with how this walkthrough turned out overall. I mean I not only 100%ed the game by getting all the heart pieces, top equipment and upgrades... But also all the optional stuff like Swordsman Newsletters and secret figurines. Not to mention I showed as many optional areas and games I could find that aren't related to unlocking anything in particular. I had a lot of fun making this as well given how much I love this awesome game!

Onward to the next walkthrough!


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