IMPORTANT VIDEO: Content ID Info + Walkthrough Plans (Read The Description!)

10 years ago

Hiya! Here's an update video on why I haven't been uploading which also ties in with the Content ID issue practically everyone on Youtube is being affected by, including people who have the rights to upload copyrighted content.

Here are links to back up what I am saying here with proof and evidence:

Fair Use laws:

Reposting the entirety of a work can be fair use depending on the way it was used:

An example of a unauthorized guide freely made and sold commercially in 1999:
It states on the back that it is unauthorized. (Meaning that even for profit it was legal to show a game in it's entirety.) Oddly I can't find a picture of the back though to show this to you. But if you look into it more, you'll see that it is a unauthorized guide and there were MANY guides like this for various games in the past. So unauthorized guides are not a new thing here. This guide shows EVERYTHING in the 1st generation Pokemon games + a few more. It uses game graphics, sprites and many other in-game stuff to create it's maps and examples.
I actually own a copy of this guide and like it quite a bit :D But I'm getting off topic here...

Deep Silver talks about the rights of gamers (Among other companies):

Capcom's Tweets:
(Evidence that shows claims were not meant to have been filed)

BlackNerdComedy's video:

Judge rules that you MUST consider fair use regarding copyright issues:

Nintendo says they will not block videos of their games:

Features that can be removed on your account by Content ID/ Strikes:

How Youtube designs the site through experimentation:

I hope I got the point across here that it's not about the money (Well, speaking for myself. I'm sure some do make videos only for the money which is sad. But unless you have proof of others doing that, it's not right to accuse others of making videos just for money otherwise you are just as bad as Youtube's automated guessing copyright system, lol!), it's about people's rights and agreements being violated due to Youtube themselves, laws being broken as well as features being stripped from people's accounts that inhibit creative freedom all because of bogus automated claims. "Guilty until proven innocent" is never a good system because it can be abused and it's simply not accurate. I've always been a person that supports the rights of others and it pains me to see such trouble arise from one of Youtube's changes for both companies and regular users. It's such a injustice.


(I didn't mention this in the video because this next part is all speculation, but I'll type it here anyway.)

Here are my other main accounts if you'd like to follow them in case something bad happens regarding copyright so you'll get updates from me:

My deviantART:
My Tumblr:
My Facebook:

Though in all honesty, I don't think there's much to worry about regarding game companies because they understand gamers and they understand the rights gamers have. Gamers are not claiming to own the rights to games, they are merely exercising the rights they know they have via fair use to help other gamers, to entertain, to promote the games they love and to have fun. Music companies like Universal Music Group however are being rather stingy about this and haven't been relinquishing disputed claims, even on games that use their licensed music meaning that the rights are oddly going 100% to them but not the game publishers as well. That's clearly not fair. So I don't recommend you upload footage of anything with licensed music unless you want to have an uphill battle with them.

Why I "think" the reason why Youtube's policy change happened was because the NMPA filed a lawsuit against Fullscreen regarding music use in their partner's videos:

So Youtube likely did this change + updated Content ID at the same time, to make networks more liable. But it had an adverse effect of hitting everybody, including ones that didn't infringe on anyone's copyright.



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