DanceDanceRevolution II - Valkyrie Dimension - Expert, C-Rank

11 years ago

I have no idea how I managed to pass both this and Anti-Matter on Challenge on the same day because my stamina usually tops out after a really physically demanding song and I can't pass any more hard stuff until I rest for a while.

The first half is pretty straightforward in it's streams, then when it hits the first slowdown, the stepjumps start to make this dicey so try and think of where you want to be to hit the jumps as they come up. The multi-stop section is probably one of the easiest parts of this as it gives you a breather with it's relatively slow step patterns. It's just the rhythm you have to focus on there which is simple enough. After that comes a super fast speed up leading to the final runs back at regular speed full of crossovers and complicated step rhythms. Finally it finishes with a troll crossover/turn ending that you are probably best off memorizing or rapidly hitting the arrow panels via blind bracketing. The kicker about that ending is that despite it moving faster than most can react to the patterns at x2 speed or higher (like I played it here), the steps per minute is slightly SLOWER than the rest of the song, meaning you might accidentally move too fast out of habit from playing the rest of the song.

Yeah.... it's a tough one! But it feels SO good to pass it!

The video thumbnail is from:

(I got this pass on video back on Septenber 27, 2013, I just didn't get around to commentating it until now.)


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