Feedback Time! Are You Interested in me Doing a Facecam? (Read The Description For More Info)

11 years ago

I was a little tired when I made this, lol! I didn't even notice how many times I said "whatnot" until I edited it. Doh! Anyway...

I'm just curious how many would be interested in me doing a facecam in with my usual videos. No guarantees though because of a bunch of factors. I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask for your input. See, I thought about just doing it as a surprise one day, but I know that changes in format can be a turnoff. Meaning that it could go either way.

-Facial expressions and reactions.
-No need to overlay things over the video anymore because I'd have extra room on the side.
-HD footage might mean higher quality due to Youtube not compressing HD videos as much as they do 480p and below.

-I'd have to make the videos in HD, which means it'll have a larger file size, takes longer to render, can crash the editing software more often (which gets frustrating) and would take longer to upload.
-More recording variation increases the chance of recording issues before I even get to the editing and therefor potential delays.
-High chance of being called a PewDiePie ripoff because for some reason some people think only he is allowed to use a facecam, lol!


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