DanceDanceRevolution II - 888 - Challenge, C-Rank

9 years ago

I can't believe I finally got this! Let alone the same day I passed New Decade Challenge (Short Version). Heck, I am stunned that I have passed this at all! Like, I look back at when I first started playing the game and had difficulties with the 10s of the Hottest party games and can't believe how far I've come. Granted I have been taking the game a lot more seriously in the last few years than I used to in getting better, but still... it seems like I have been getting better by large leaps and bounds and in the last week or so I have been crushing my personal bests on songs left and right and passing new stuff.

This is the song I was talking about in Pluto Relinquish Challenge's description that I found harder to pass than NGO Challenge. Ways I have failed this song was:

1: using too high of a speed mod and having difficulty reading the speedy end. The x1.5 mod even felt too fast for a time.

2: Using too long of a speed mod and having difficulty reading the regular-speed parts. I even found x1.5 to be too slow at first until I got the hang of reading it this way.

3: Stamina just plain topping out from repeated attempts in a row or from playing other songs.

4: Setting up the 1P side at x2.5 speed and a non-player 2P side at x1 speed to try and cheese the two speeds of this song. But I found transitioning my eyes over from one side to the other would cause me to fail because I'd lose track of where I was, lol!

... over and over again! I would try those things many times over seeing if I could get the hang of them, but the only one that worked for me eventually was x1.5 speed and just getting used to reading it this way. It's a really brilliant challenge though because the setup is guaranteed to force you out of your comfort zone no matter how you set your speed mod.

So the best advice I can give you is to stay loose as tensing up will only make you move slower, which you can't afford as this plays like it's 444BPM and will likely tucker you out by the end because of the high intensity throughout. Hitting the fastest patterns in this often are about looking at each group and positioning your body in the most comfortable way to do them even if you have to doublestep slower arrows before them. The "least" complicated part to manage by far is actually the speedy ending, but that in itself is still impossible to read at any mod above x1.5 and even that is sort of pushing it unless your eyes are fixated at the very bottom of the screen to give yourself enough time to react.

So it offers a very unique setup that only you will be able to figure out how to overcome. Maybe you'll want to use a higher speed mod for the first parts and memorize the ending. maybe you'll want to do what I did here, only at x1.0 as you may find this too fast for it and just get used to reading at a slow speed. Try all sorts of different things until you find something that clicks with you.


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