The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask Walkthrough Part 1: EVIL VOICE GUY!!! (With Commentary)

7 years ago

Be sure to read the video descriptions for additional info on videos as you go!

Well, as long as I got roped into "this" game from Evil Voice Guy, I might as well point out all the issues this game has that bug me right? ;)


Walkthrough and game info:
Platform: Nintendo Gamecube
Gameplay footage recorded with: Aiptek A-HD+ camcorder
Voice recorded with: Canon Powershot G12 Camera
Video Editing Program: Cyberlink Powerdirector 11
Image Editing Program: GIMP 2.8.22


Non-canon-to-the-series-text-to-explain: I was thinking for a while about doing this one as a "bad game walkthrough" even if I initially never wanted to do bad games to explain to people what the poop I find wrong with this game because it's not that long and pretty easy to 100% if you already know what to do, lol! So consider this an exception because of all my history talking about the woes I had with it. (I might do the same with Mega Man 1 too as that one is really short. :P)


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