How To Organize Your Video Game Console Cable Setup

6 years ago

Now for something completely different to cleanse the palette! ;D

So with a gradually growing collection of consoles, chances are some of you have a tangled mess of cables that makes moving them in and out of their spot for cleaning and maybe even playing impractical. Yet... when you want to clean it up, the temptation of just playing the games and leaving a seemingly daunting task for another day is just too great! Believe me, I know as I procrastinated like that for a good while! :P But hopefully here I can show you a relatively quick way to get your setup shipshape and practical while entertaining you along the way.

September 20, 2018 edit: You can see a followup photo to the stuff I talked about in the video here where I made a few more tweaks to it:


Here are the AV Switchers/Hubs I used in the video. Neither of these create any sort of video delay as far as I can tell:

Gana HDMI Switcher:

MT-VIKI 8-Port RCA Switcher:

Remember you can combine as many of the hubs as you please to get them into one AV-input too, you just have to plan it out. For instance, you could use a male-to-male RCA to connect the "out" of one box into one of the 8 "in" ports of the second, we'll say 1 just because, then switch to the other box by clicking in 1, then the corresponding button of the system you turned on on the other box (labeling them in shorthand if you forget the layout helps like NES, SNES,N64, etc...).


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