Save Your Annotations NOW With The Mass Annotation Downloader!

6 years ago

Don't give up on your annotations! We can still save them with a program made just 4 days ago (as of this upload's time) in xml document code form. It will make a small file for each of your annotations in a handy folder complete with what video(s) they came from. I'll also show you how to read the parts of the code that are important for preservation. So not only will you not have to go through and watch all your videos to jot down annotation text, you won't even have to write it out for the most part. Handy! Small files too.

So grab this and download em':

Remember, you need to put your FULL channel URL into the "channellist" text document (you can get it by going to one of your videos, then right-clicking your name and copying the link location), save it, THEN run the downloader. Just let it run on it's on while you do whatever. As you seen, it didn't even stop me from browsing the web and making this video while I did the example. So it literally takes under a minute to set up and run. Do not think "Well, I'm not going to add them all back in some how anyway so I'll just forget it" because you may change your mind later and when the annotations are gone, you can't download them ever again. So download your annotations regardless of how you feel "now" and think it over hard because later you won't have a choice if you decide not to.

Also, while I linked it in a card, but here's kliksphilip's video where I heard about the Mass Annotation Downloader:

As a bonus of something I thought of after I made this video, if you don't like using a browser or notepad to read the xml files, you could get something like "Notepad-Plus-Plus" which is more code-friendly here:


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