Golf Story Blind Walkthrough Part 9: Detective Work Gets Sidetracked

5 years ago

We set out on the search for the missing idol and end up getting caught in a bunch of sidequests along the way. NEVER call certain things here frisbees though! EVER! But wait a sec... Didn't I forget to go back and talk to the archeologist after digging at all the bone burial sites? Awww poopers! I guess it was because it didn't seem like I dug up anything that looked idoly. But still... Finishing them may have triggered him to move to Wellworn Grove if I talked to him or something. Well.... next part!

Speaking of. I'm not sure how my voice will be for said part tomorrow with this cold as I developed laryngitis so "maybe" I won't have one for a bit. I sort of sound like when Brock in Pokemon got a new voice actor: All hoarse as if Brock started chain smoking. I don't feel that bad or anything as the cold has mostly passed, but I sure sound bad. I spose' I could try recording like.... one part daily rather than do multiple parts in a row until all the phlegm or whatever lets me talk normally. At the very least I could pick fun at the state of my own voice. XD What do you think?


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