Pokemon Card GB 2 Part 10: Gastly Draws

5 years ago

Ahhhh! Feels good to do that pun!

So after a bit of dialog searching, it's duel time and the first went pretty well! Isaac used a bunch of type resistances to block my fighters, but with switches of my own, I was able to overcome his pretty balanced deck.

The second duel however was first a disaster. XD With all the Bill, Professor Oak, energy and Rattata I have, I could not find a win on my first attempt! It happens sometimes in the Pokemon TCG. That's why in tourneys it's usually like best 3 of 5 games because the chances of that happening are low, but possible. On the second however, the tables were turned and I mopped the floor with her!

0:16 Challenge hall dialog area
-1:14 Trade for Wigglypuff lv36

3:55 Pokemon Dome dialog area

6:47 Airport dialog area

8:19 Lightning Club dialog area?

9:14 The first duel!


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#Pokemon #TCG #GameBoy #Two #GreatRocket

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