Pokemon Card GB 2 Part 51: Similar Strength

5 years ago

Knights and Bishops have close attack patterns in Chess. Bishops are ever so slightly stronger. But not by much. :P

With Knight we kind of stare at Mysterious Fossils a lot. XD He needs more Basic Pokemon... I mean REAL Basic Pokemon. All right, there's more to it than that............ He could use more draw power too. XD Ok ok, for realsies. He just couldn't seem to get much off the ground here which I suspect is due to him discarding key cards early or maybe just them being in his prize cards. He could've gone Charizard, Aerodactyl, kabutops, Omanyte, etc... but was lacking them. Pokemon Trader in place of Energy Retrieval would've helped with that. But regardless, I kept foiling his powerups with energy removal on the few he could get out. At that point it didn't matter what I had as I could just keep chipping away freely.

Bishop didnt have much easier of a time due to his deck being based around Porygon of all cards. :P Cool Porygon is his best of the bunch. But he only has 3 copies for some reason. Perhaps due to the rarity? It has backup in the form of the Zubat and Venonat line to cause varying status conditions, along with Scyther as a quick beater. Though there's no main way to pick what he wants to lock down in a jiffy. For instance, he could have Gust of Wind along with Dark Muk to make things more difficult to switch away from type changing, but the only thing he's really got is Switch and Scoop Up. They help a little, but not as much as the deck needs for it to realize it's full potential. Well, as much Potential as Porygon can reach. (The TCG just did not treat it well in the early days. :P ) Also, he probably shouldn't use the lv. 12 Porygon. XD Why not the lv. 20 (Team Rocket) Porygon if he wants Conversion 1 because it has Psybeam for 20 plus possible confusion It's easy to power up with Double Colorless Energy.... Which reminds me too: he needs 4 of those. Not 3.


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#Pokemon #TCG #GameBoy #Two #GreatRocket

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