Pokemon Card GB 2 Part 45: Once More

5 years ago

We need to beat Villicci once again to unlock something. But we were going to beat him again anyway because we need to see his two other decks. Right? ;)

The third we came across is a Dark Veunsaur centric deck which uses Dark Dragonair, Pokemon Trader and The Boss's Way to pull out the evolutions on top of being able to attack with. lv25 Scyther and lv40 Kangaskhan are also there as backup. Plus the same Mr. Mime to neutralize resistance. But he wasn't able to really get this deck off the ground. Which is funny because I wasn't using the Stop It deck, lol! Careful of surprise PlusPower and Gust Of Wind though.

His fourth and last features Dark Charizard as the ace and you know it can dish out a lot of damage. Dark Clefable can also protect it's relatively low HP for a stage 2. Mr. Mime is also here. But provides little support. What is better support are the lv31 Magmar and lv40 Kangaskhan. Magmar's versatility can be stally or offensive. Kangaskhan can draw a lot of cards while also potentially popping you with comet punches.


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