Pizza Gate | Who Is Behind This Crime?

1 year ago

You may have heard that PizzaGate was an elaborate political hoax and that it was thoroughly investigated and debunked. What if I told you that it is not a hoax and was never investigated by the authorities despite researchers and hackers bringing actionable evidence to them? How could the authorities not act on this information? Are they complicit?

PizzaGate comes from the WikiLeaks release of hacked (actually, leaked) emails from Clinton Campaign Chairman, John Podesta. There were around 50,000 leaked emails. None of which explicitly mention child trafficking or pedophilia. The true beginning of PizzaGate is in 2010 when Laura Silsby was arrested while trying to steal 33 children all under the age of 12 from Haiti without any documentation. She was then saved by the Clintons from her crimes. This connects to PizzaGate and Jimmy Comet, through Greta Van Sustran’s interview with a convicted pedophile, Jorge Puello where he admits that the 33 children that Silsby tried to smuggle out of Haiti came from friends of the orphans run by the Maccobys, the former lawyer of Jimmy Comet (James Alefantis)It’s also worth noting that Monica Peterson, a researcher for the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, went down to Haiti to investigate the claims that the Clinton Foundation was involved in child trafficking there and wound up dead.

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