King James Version | Is It Accurate?

8 days ago

The Bible is a Greek word that in English means book. The Holy Bible is a collection of 66 books with 2 testaments recorded in 3 languages composed on 3 continents by over 40 authors and is inspired by the Holy Spirit. In this episode, we are talking about the King James Version of this Holy book.  
In the 4th century just after the Council of Nicaea 325 AD, Jerome the church father and contemporary of Augustine was commissioned to translate the Greek Septuagint into Latin which became known as the Latin Vulgate. He faced the exact criticism for translating the Greek Septuagint that KJV only individuals criticize modern translations today. Why would you attempt to translate the word of God which is the Bible of the church for 500 years why would you try to overturn this version? Jerome had this exact pushback when he was translating to Latin. So over time, you go from the Hebrew Scrolls to the Greek Bible to the Latin Bible to multiple English translations to our modern translations and each time you have similar arguments to change.   
The KJV-only advocates are quick to assert that those who do not join them in making the King James Version the final authority in all things do not believe in "the preservation of the Scriptures." Almost all KJV-only books will contain a section on how God has promised to preserve his words, and they will of course assume that these are the words found in the KJV. At this point, they believe themselves to be holding the high ground, fighting for a belief that all Christians should naturally defend: the idea that God has revealed himself and has done so in such a way that we can continue to know that revelation perfectly today. The problem with this position is that you have not demonstrated that your way is the only way to understand the idea of preservation. Does God have to preserve His Word in the way KJV only advocates believe? Or might God have done this by another means? No angels showed up with golden tablets marked Divine Index. Instead, God worked with His people over time leading them to recognize what He had already done through the act of inspiration. God did it his way in His time.Website - ⁠
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