Brigandine Plate Carrier by SKD Tactical

1 year ago

When it comes to plate carriers and hard plates, SKD Tactical has some good stuff going on. Enter the Brigandine Plate Carrier. It is a slick PC that can be scaled up if needed using their SYSTEMA.

You can attach side PALS sections to the cummerbund if needed as well as most any type of back panel to the rear of the plate carrier. You can also attach magazine carrier / shingle across the front if you need more ammunition for a specific mission. This set of body armor offers lots of options.

And on top of all of it, you can purchase the plate bags in different sizes. This ensures your ballistic plates don't move around and stay in place over your vitals. They offer a SKD Tactical stand alone level 4 plate too.

SKD Tactical Brigandine Lvl 4 Pacakage $480

SKD Tactical Brigandine $90

SKD Mk1 Shoulder Pads $30

SKD Pontoons $20

SKD 3 Magazine Chest Rig $50

SKD Lvl 4 Stand Alone Ballistic Plates $200 / per


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