Episode 172 Having Courage to Find Your Health w/ Ashley Ulrey

1 year ago

After years of being sick, adding one prescription drug after another, Ashley Ulrey decided enough was enough. Ashley has an all too familiar story but she decided not to go down the typical route that our health care system was leading and started researching on her own. She discovered how to truly find health and wellness for herself, her family and now her clients.

By advocating for herself, Ashley completely reversed the trajectory of her health. She is healthier today than ever before and is helping others break free from the traditional system to find their health and wellness.

Ashley Ulrey is an Integrated Health Practioner with Courageously Crowned Wellness. You can follow her at www.ashleyulrey.com on Instagram (ashley_ulrey) or Facebook/ashley.ulrey.

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Find my books on Amazon: No More Sugar Coating: Finding Your Happiness in a Crowded World and Confidence Through Health: Life the Healthy Lifestyle God Designed

Music credit: Ryan The Son, hear more from Ryan The Son on Instagram, YouTube or Spotify

Production credit: Social Media Cowboys

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