6/28/23 144,000 Reasons Why "The Devil and John Durham" part 3 S2E4Rp3

1 year ago

“144,000 Reasons Why”
The first time we aired today’s show, this introduction discussed the demonic nature of the concept of division. Since that’s the theme today, and since this is my last week in California before our big move, I just want to say that the entire modern state of California is evidence that social division is of the devil. Our populace has been atomized into every grouping possible. We equate merit with skin color. Our one-party system yields the powerful and powerless, with very little in between. We demonize common culture and call everything under the sun racist. Has any of this made this once beautiful state better? I’m packing up my life of twenty years to leave the only home state my kids have ever known, so how do you think I feel about it? The state of division is from the devil, friends, which means that unity is a godly trait. Welcome to the show.

"The Devil and John Durham" Part 3: 6/28/23
This week we’re re-broadcasting our recent episode about the Durham Report and our reactions to it to help us understand Bible prophecy, and the book of Revelation specifically.

Season 2 Episode 4R (R for re-broadcast episode)
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