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91. The End of COVID with Alec Zeck Part I of II
Today I talk with Alec Zeck, host of The Way Forward Podcast. We talk about the upcoming event that Alec is putting on called “The End Of COIVD.” Use this link to get registered to watch
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91. The End of COVID with Alec Zeck
Alec Zeck: And that's the whole point. This whole thing is literally a religion. Virology is a religion. Allopathic medicine, for the most part, aside from emergency and acute care in certain specialties, has become a religion. It absolutely has. And that's the issue right now because it is going off of blind faith in these experts who can know where this non-existent, non-pro to exist, non-pro to be pathogenic threat is and only they can know, and anyone who questions them is immediately branded a heretic and they're cast aside.
Alec Zeck: It's literally no different than a very dogmatic religion. It's the same thing. It's the exact same thing and potentially worse because irrespective of actual religious or spiritual beliefs, they're pushing this upon the entire human population. So it's definitely worse.
Welcome to after
Nurse Kelly: Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, [00:01:00] where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr.
Nurse Kelly: Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: All right. Thank you for joining me again. Today I have a very special guest that I'll introduce in just a moment, but first I wanna give a special shout out and thanks to all my Patreon supporters if shell pays at the $50 level.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: We have an anonymous family donor at $20 and 20 cents a month. The pandemic reprimand O at $17 and 76 cents a month with Ty, Charles, tinfoil Stanley, Dr. Anna, who is a previous guest here, Frank and Brian. We have the self-made $10 level with Kevin. We have the refined, not burned at $5 with Linda Emmy, Joe Patin, Bev, pj, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth Dawn, Jennifer, Kenton.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: We have a self made a dollar 50 with Frank. [00:02:00] And then we have the courageous, contagious $1 level with Amanda J. Best, nasty, Darrell. Susan BB King, also a previous guest here. And Rick, I wanna thank everybody for supporting me. If you feel inclined to, to go donate at the Gibson Go that my wife set up link is down below.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: We've spent over a hundred thousand dollars fighting the d o d trying to restore my good name, get case law in the book, so that this never happens to another physician. To, to protect the Constitution as my Fifth Amendment rights and First Amendment rights have been horribly violated in egregious ways.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Let's get to our guest. Thanks for joining us. Alec. Alec Zeck. Yeah. Of the way forward. It's great to have you.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, great to be talking to a fellow service member, although I'm no longer one, but you get what I'm saying. Yeah.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: You've still been through the pain. You know
Dr Sam Sigoloff: what it's like.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, I know what it's like.
Alec Zeck: Exactly. Yeah. Good to be here.
Alec Zeck: And so you have a big program
Dr Sam Sigoloff: that's coming up soon. That's what we're gonna talk about, but I want to probably dive into a little more of the, one of the big subjects that you're covering at this event that you have. It's called The End of [00:03:00] Covid. So what is the end of Covid?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, so of course we know the World Health Organization has announced that the emergency is over and the White House has said the same and. Everyone is taking on a general sense, whether they're alternative leading or not, that all this whole c o d era of their plan, whoever they are is over.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But the reality is it never really began in the first place. And I'll say that in some more alternative leaning, people will say, yeah, I agree it was a big hoax. But then they'll also say, but they're making bio weapons in a lab and we need to be cautious of the future stuff that they're doing with EcoHealth Alliance and all these level bsl, level four labs all over the world.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And the reality is, when I say that it never began, it actually never began in the sense that there was never any proof of any physical material threat that necessitated all [00:04:00] of these health measures in the first place. And that may come across as a shocking statement to some people, but I'm. Of course, happy to get into the details.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And that's what we do with the end of Covid is it's covering all of the granular details of what happened the last three and a half years and beyond, so that we can ensure this never happens again. And I promise that we absolutely, we, the men and women of this world can ensure this never happens again.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But it requires that we are properly informed on what health actually looks like and where freedom comes from in our relationship to the various governments around the world.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. So that's interesting and you're touching on a subject that we're gonna dive into here, but when you start looking at truth and you start figuring out, okay, I've been lied about this, I've been lied about that, I've been lied about this.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And you start tugging at that string of truth, it's like a tapestry. It goes here, it goes there, and pretty soon everything unravels and you're like, wow, I didn't expect it to go to this topic or that topic or this topic. And even topics that [00:05:00] we've grown up knowing about, or at least thinking we knew about So what you're talking about is viruses.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Viruses are so interesting to me. Ever since I heard about 'em, like in eighth grade, I was like, it's not alive. How can something not alive hurt me? But it's not really dead because it takes over your cell or is it anything at all?
Alec Zeck: Yeah, and this is the question That is the big question and a very important question as it pertains to everything.
Alec Zeck: It is the basis for everything that occurred over the last three and a half years, and it underpins much of allopathic medicine and especially so with the vaccine program, which I'm assuming much of your audience is already aware that there are safety and efficacy. Glaring safety and efficacy problems with vaccines, but the reality is much, much deeper than that.
Alec Zeck: So I, I like to start this conversation with some [00:06:00] analogies for contextual purposes. And they may seem elementary, but they are absolutely important in how they, we can communicate this idea that viruses may not even exist and have never been proven to cause any sort of disease whatsoever. And so the first one is, From the time that I'm a child, I am told that Santa Claus exists and a number of things in my environment.
Alec Zeck: Reify, the existence of Santa Claus, the pictures, the movies, the cartoons, the songs, the decorations, all of the other people around me who are excited about Santa Claus, the Santa Claus sleigh tracking app that I follow on my phone the night before Christmas or Fox News or CNN following Santa Claus trajectory across the sky.
Alec Zeck: The piece of beard I find in the fireplace, the cook, half eaten cookies and milk on Christmas morning. The presents under the tree, the reindeer tracks in the yard. Some families [00:07:00] do that. Ultimately, all of these things reaffirm that Santa Claus actually exists and. Especially so when I feel very excited, I have a measurable and observable biological response to the idea of Santa Claus, or I'm very afraid because I haven't been behaving well.
Alec Zeck: I've been lying to my parents and they found out and they said, Santa Claus is gonna bring you coal. And then I feel very afraid about the idea of Santa Claus, and it's a measurable and observable biological response. All of these things must mean that Santa Claus actually exists, right? It. But of course, despite the model fitting the idea of Santa Claus and fitting it very well, especially from the vantage point of a child, there are other explanations for those phenomena surrounding the idea of Santa Claus.
Alec Zeck: And of course, as a child, at some point we have to break through the cognitive dissonance surrounding that. And luckily the experts on Santa Claus, if you will, are parents. And the [00:08:00] rest of the parents around the world can eloquently explain exactly what was going on with each of those things as we're beginning to unravel that cognitive dissonance.
Alec Zeck: So that's the first one. So keep that in the back of your mind. And the second one is this comes from Dr. Cowen's book, the Contagion Myth. And this is my own sort of variation of this thought experiment. If I were to tell you that a ping pong ball could break down a brick wall, Obviously you'd want to see proof of that, right?
Alec Zeck: So if I took a bunch of corrosive acid and poured it all over the brick wall, then took a giant mallet and smashed the brick wall several times, and then I taped the ping pong ball to a giant 400 pound boulder and whirl it at the brick wall and the brick wall falls down. Voila. I've proven that the ping pong ball caused the destruction of that brick wall obviously.
Alec Zeck: Of course. Yeah, obviously, of course any person thinking logically would say the ping pong ball was completely irrelevant in that whole exercise. [00:09:00] There's no proof whatsoever that the ping pong ball caused the destruction of that brick wall How do both of these thought experiments relate to virology and viruses?
Alec Zeck: So if I were to tell you that SARS Cov two has never been isolated or proven to exist or proven to cause any sort of disease whatsoever, which I'm sure some of the people in the health freedom community and some of your audience are loosely familiar with you would likely go onto PubMed. Or maybe if you're familiar with it, you would just say, oh, that's irrelevant, and I'm gonna explain why it's not irrelevant.
Alec Zeck: It is absolutely very relevant. You would go onto PubMed though if you've never heard this before. Or you'd go onto Google Scholar or you'd contact a doctor or scientist friend of yours and you'd find one or thousands of studies that claim in the title and in the abstract to have isolated, characterized, and sequenced.
Alec Zeck: Come up with a genome for sars COV two. The problem with that is the commonly accepted [00:10:00] definition of isolate that virtually all of the entire world uses, and I've memorized all this stuff. So the Webster's definite Webster's dictionary definition of isolate is to separate from other substances so as to obtain an appear or free state.
Alec Zeck: That is what we know to isolation, to mean all across the world, with the exception of virology. Because what we're doing, what we're thinking of isolation to mean is to take one thing and have it completely by itself, separate of all other things. If you were to tell me, Hey, I need you to grab the water bottle out of that messy room from your mom's house, the blue water bottle I have, and she's a hoarder, so it's amongst a bunch of other stuff and you come back with a sock and 30 other things.
Alec Zeck: I said no. I want the water bottle. And you're like, okay, fine. I got the water bottle. I've isolated the water bottle. I have it by itself. I can show you that the water bottle exists. I can show you what it's made of. So [00:11:00] if you read the methods section of any of those papers that in the title say they have isolated.
Alec Zeck: Sars Cov two or insert literally any other virus, you'll find that the following procedure is done. And keep in the back of your mind the brick wall analogy that I used earlier. So they take snot or other fluids from a person. Yeah. Go ahead.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Before you get too far into this, cuz I wanna cut the knees outta the naysayers.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But Alec, you're not a doctor, Alec, you don't you're a field artillery officer background. Okay, let me put all those to rest because what's important is when someone devotes a meaningful part of their life to studying a particular subject, because they have a passion for it, they become an expert even if they don't have the PhD.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And we talked about this a little before we started recording, even if they don't have the PhD letters behind their name, Alec knows more than most virologists because he's put more time [00:12:00] into it. He's looked into those parts of virology that most people don't look into. He just like, when I was asking why, in reference to the shot and what is this chemical?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: What does that compound, what is, what do these rules and regulations mean? What does this little asterisk here next to the M in mRNA, what does that mean? It means modified. Okay no one else looked at that. Why did no one else look at that? Because we just assume what we're given is the truth, and that's what you can never do.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: You have to investigate everything, question boldly, the very existence of God for if there is a God, he would prefer honest questioning to blind faith. And that's what Alec has done.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. You know this I'm gonna build off what you said and you said that so well, and other people will ask.
Alec Zeck: With what I'm about to share here. Do you think all virologists are in on it and because we're speaking here to a crowd that is largely familiar with the problems with vaccines, I'll an, I'll ask you this question. I want you to sit and think on this. Are all [00:13:00] doctors in on this grand scheme when it comes to this understanding that vaccines aren't safe and effective?
Alec Zeck: Absolutely not. They've simply been conditioned to believe what they believe, and that's what they're basing their decisions off of in their respective practices and in the way they approach medicine. It's the same thing with virology and virologists. Virologists have been taught this procedure that I'm about to describe, to isolate viruses as if it is a well established, well-known, scientifically rigorous fact on how to isolate viruses and determine pathogenicity.
Alec Zeck: That was ultimately established in 19 8, 19 54, with John Franklin Enders having quote discovered the measles virus, which I, of course can get into. But so with this claim that are in these papers that the virus has been isolated. And shown to exist and shown to be pathogenic.
Alec Zeck: They've sequenced the genome, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. This is the procedure that is done if you read the [00:14:00] methods section, which is the most important section of any scientific paper. Quote, scientific paper, cuz some of them aren't even scientific. They don't adhere to the scientific method, which I'll get to in a minute.
Alec Zeck: But any scientific paper, the method section is the most important paper that shows the procedure for how they conducted the experiment. And with virology, this is what they do. They take fluids from a sick person that they, that is claimed to be infected with a virus, right? They take those fluids, assuming that there is a virus present, but never validating the physical existence of a virus, right?
Alec Zeck: They then take those fluids and add them to what's known as viral transport, medium or vtm. Inside viral transport, medium at a minimum are amphotericin B and Gentamycin. Amphotericin B is there to keep the viral the. Mixture the fluids from a sick person and the the materials they added to [00:15:00] afterwards, free of fungi.
Alec Zeck: And then Gentamycin is there to keep the materials sterile and free of bacteria. But nonetheless, those are two things that are inside viral transport, medium and all. Discuss why that is highly relevant to this procedure here in a second. So they take snot from a sick person, assumed to contain a virus, but they never validate that it's there added to viral transport medium that has these substances inside of it.
Alec Zeck: They then take that mixture and add it to a monkey kidney cell, known as a Vero E six, or a Vero CCL 81 cell line coming from an adult green monkey kidney. So these kidney cells that they add this mixture to, they also add more amphotericin B and more gentomycin. Sometimes they use genin rather than gentamicin.
Alec Zeck: And remember, those are there to allegedly keep the culture sterile and free of bacteria and fungi. They then add Del Beos, modified eagle medium or [00:16:00] Del Beos, minimal essential medium. They then also add fetal bovine serum, which are essentially, for lack of a better term, food sources for the cell. All right.
Alec Zeck: And then they also add trypsin sometimes, which is essentially a, something that breaks down protein. So they add all of these substances to a monkey, kidney cell, alongside fluid from a sick person that they assume contains the virus, but never validate that a virus is there in the first place. And the reason why this is, A problem. There's a number of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that amphotericin B and Gentamycin are known to be cytotoxic specifically to kidney cells. If you look up with a quick Google search keywords, amphotericin, B kidneys or Gentamycin toxic kidneys, you'll find a number of results describing how, as an example, amphotericin B is known to cause renal failure.
Alec Zeck: What's renal failure? [00:17:00] That's kidney failure. And they're adding amphotericin B to a monkey, kidney cell, assuming that it has no effect on the cell except for to keep the culture free of fungi. So in addition to that, these are all confounding variables. Think back to the example of the brick wall analogy, right?
Alec Zeck: The ping pong ball in this case is akin to the virus, the difference with the ping pong P brick wall analogy. Is that the ping pong ball is what is present. You know it's actually there with this, they assume that the virus is present. Add these other confounding variables that are akin to pouring corrosive acid on a brick wall, akin to smashing the brick wall several times that is dropping the nutrient intake of the culture.
Alec Zeck: They drop them amount of fetal bovine serum and DMM that is used, and then they add these cytotoxic antibiotics and antimycotic to the mixture again, without ever revalidating that a virus is present in this experiment in the first place. [00:18:00] Then the cell experiences after basically being starved and poisoned what is called the cytopathic effect, and that's where the cell breaks down into a bunch of fragments.
Alec Zeck: They then take those fragments and prepare them for electron microscopy and they produce these electron micrograph images, these little black and white images that we've seen shared all over the world, and they point to the particles on those images and say, voila. That is proof of SARS Cov two. This must have been what was inside the fluids of a sick person.
Alec Zeck: This must be what was transmitted from another sick person to that sick person. This must be what was, what caused the cell to experience the cytopathic effect, breaking down to a bunch of fragments, nevermind that we added all of these other things and drop the nutrient intake of the cell. This is the fundamental proof that virology has used for the last several decades to prove the existence and pathogenicity of viruses, and it applies to every single virus.
Alec Zeck: You will never find an image [00:19:00] coming directly from the fluids of a sick person of viruses, and you and a virus has never been taken directly from the fluids of a sick person to then be isolated, purified, characterized in sequence. They always follow this procedure of assuming that it's in the fluids and then adding it to a bunch of other substances where, and it breaks down, and then they point to the particles and say, those are viruses.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It seems like there's a lot of assumption going on. First of all, assuming that the illness is caused by a virus. Because as and probably many of our listeners know, there are other things in our environment that are not virus. And you could even have pieces of DNA or RNA released from one human that go to another human that notify 'em, Hey, look, watch out for this chemical or this compound.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Here's how you deal with it. And could we be calling that a virus when it's not? It's just it. It's a piece. It's a strand that's manmade. Not in a lab, but just by you and me when we get exposed to certain chemicals so that we can warn other humans around us. Watch out for this. This is how you deal with it.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: There's [00:20:00] other. EMF around us. That's a lot more than it used to be. And it's interesting how when you look back in time as viral illnesses, like if you look back in, in antiquity, almost all of the great pandemics were caused by bacteria until a certain timeframe when we started having radio waves and telegraph waves and all these different antenna telegraph wires that would emit EMF and all these different types of radiation exposure that never happened before.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. You're spot on with that and there are other plausible explanations for what's going on because, so this again, just to reemphasize is the foundational evidence for all of modern virology. And ultimately I. It's fundamentally pseudo-scientific. By definition, pseudoscience is anything claiming to be scientific that does not strictly adhere to the scientific method.
Alec Zeck: Virology is pseudoscience because they don't adhere to the scientific method. [00:21:00] So the scientific method that we all learned in grade school goes like this, you have an observed natural phenomenon, right? So in the case of this, you could say, okay, I observe multiple people in the same space getting sick with similar or the same symptoms.
Alec Zeck: Okay? So then you develop a hypothesis for that observed natural phenomenon, what you think is the cause of it, right? So in this case, you could say, I think there's submicroscopic particles being passed from person to person. Okay? So then in order to proceed with the experiment and before you proceed with the experiment following the steps of the scientific method, which are very clear, you need to have the thing you think is the cause of the observed phenomenon.
Alec Zeck: By itself to then vary and manipulate to see if it produces the effect, right? You need to have the IV to see if it produces the dv. That is the whole point of the experiment. So with virology, they don't have their alleged cause the virus by [00:22:00] itself to then vary, manipulate, and in fact, they've never shown that it exists in the fluids of a sick person, according to their own hypothesis.
Alec Zeck: So they are still at the hypothesis phase of this whole ideology. So when it comes to virology, It's not even a viral theory. It's still viral hypothesis, because a scientific theory is something that has been tested and corroborated in according, in accordance with the scientific method. So virology has not done this.
Alec Zeck: They have no properly identified independent variable, and further they don't even have proper controls either. They, in some of these papers, they will refer to what's called a mock infected culture. And they say the mock infected culture, no cytopathic effect was observed. So the culture is the monkey kidney cell thing.
Alec Zeck: The problem with this is when we, when several of us, namely Dr. Mark Bailey, and then a good friend of mine, Jacob Diaz, have contacted the authors of these papers or found. Papers that have supplementary methods section describing [00:23:00] exactly what occurred in the mock infected culture. Remember the purpose of a control experiment is to treat it exactly the same except for the independent variables not present, right?
Alec Zeck: To see if the independent variable is truly the cause of that phenomenon. And again, with virology, they don't even have an independent variable. Let's, but let's say in the case of this, it would be, we could make concessions and say, okay, even though you don't have a proper independent variable, and they have all these excuses for why they can't take it directly from the fluids of a sick person, we could still play with it and conduct some semblance of what would be a proper control experiment.
Alec Zeck: But what they do is they treat the mock infected culture with less amphotericin B and less Gentamycin, sometimes using a completely different cell line. So they're not treating the mock infected culture the same. And further, if we're assuming So, there's no control, there's no control. There's no control.
Alec Zeck: There's no control. Exactly. And that's the point. And again, assuming that they, [00:24:00] that we will play with the excuse for the excuses for why, which I'm happy to get into. They can't take the virus directly from the fluids of a sick person. Let's play with that. That's fine. But wouldn't it then make sense to treat the mock infected culture with fluids from a healthy person to see if the same effect occurs?
Alec Zeck: They don't even do that. They, it would just make sense. They literally don't add any requirements. Yeah, exactly. That's the point. It would be a requirement. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And so ultimately, let me describe this piece first cuz this is highly relevant because as I was sorting through my cognitive ance surrounding this, looking into these papers, reading the methods section for myself, I was like, what the heck?
Alec Zeck: Okay, but I want to hear directly from the horse's mouth, these experts why a virus cannot be. Taken from the fluids of a sick person why a virus cannot be isolated, purified, characterized, and sequenced directly from the fluid. Sorry, do you wanna go ahead with a question?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. One thing you mentioned is you kinda just said my cognitive dissidents and just very [00:25:00] flippantly mentioned that, but when you really have cognitive, which I know you went through, it was probably similar to what I went through when I learned about food and different ways of eating and how you can treat disease and cure disease and put other diseases into remission with just what you eat.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: I was in a cloud for a month, walking confused, didn't know where I was. It was so substantial. And I would imagine that you were going through again, you just, again, I, you just flippantly mention it, but I've been through that dissociative dichotomy where you're just like, I'm told this, I've learned this my whole life, and now I've, this is what I'm learning.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And it's, it just, it splits your head in half and it's painful. It's physically painful.
Alec Zeck: It is. And this is highly relevant with my own cognitive dissonance surrounding this whole charade, which I'm happy to get to later. I think if we talk about gain of function and things like this it's highly relevant for me.
Alec Zeck: So we'll get to, we'll get to that in a second. But the, when you [00:26:00] ask virologists and molecular biologists and other experts that deal with infectious diseases and field surrounding infectious diseases, and you ask them why a virus cannot be isolated, purified, characterized in sequence directly from the fluids of a sick person, they give a number of excuses that if you're attuned to logical fallacies are entirely logically fallacious and completely contradictory towards their own ideas of how this whole thing works, how these diseases are supposedly spread.
Alec Zeck: So one of the answers that we get is they'll say that a virus is too weak to isolate or purify directly from the fluids. And how is it con, so can they, and we have the technology to do that. Yeah. This is the question, right? That's the question that I ask. I say, that's interesting. You say that it's too weak to isolate or purify directly from the fluids of a sick person.
Alec Zeck: Okay. Then how come you also say that a virus travels through free freely through the air, lands on a surface, survives on a surface for upwards of two to three days, makes it to a [00:27:00] body, makes it all the way to a cell, breaks into the cell, hijacks the cells. Machinery begins a replication process where it then overwhelms that person is excreted out of them, where it repeats the same process over.
Alec Zeck: So it's too weak to isolate or purify directly from the fluids of a sick person where you claim that it is, but then it is strong enough to do all of these other things and is strong enough to literally infect someone and kill them. That makes no sense.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: That's because Santa Claus is only around on December 25th.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, this is exactly right. This is, and this is why the Santa Claus analogy is so relevant too, because like ultimately when you're fibbing to your kids about Santa Claus, you're coming up with all these excuses. And ultimately what that is in actuality is called a reification fallacy.
Alec Zeck: You're providing excuses for why the kids can't find Santa Claus, despite Santa Claus allegedly existing. And a reification fallacy is where you assign characteristics to something that is still fundamentally abstract that has not been proven to exist in reality. [00:28:00] So when it comes to anything surrounding viruses describing, oh, how viruses are only gonna be infectious in this way, or viruses can't be isolated because X, Y, and Z, or a virus mutates over time, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Alec Zeck: That's ultimately a reification fallacy cuz you're assigning characteristics to something that is still fundamentally abstract. And then the other excuse that they commonly give is that there's not enough virus present inside the fluids of a sick person to isolate or purify directly from the fluids.
Alec Zeck: And then a quick Google search will show you estimates of 200 million virus particles in one sneeze. So you're telling me that this highly pathogenic infectious agent that is allegedly killing people is there's not enough of it in one sneeze. That makes no sense.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But there's enough to make you sick.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Just not enough to isolate and actually use.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. Yeah. Just not enough to find. Yeah. So then the cognitive dissonance when, and I urge [00:29:00] anyone listening to what I'm saying, first off, to, of course, check out the end of Covid, where we go into extensive details. In fact, the first two modules for the end of C O V I D cover virology, I think it's somewhere around like 16 hours of content just in the first two modules dissecting all these claims surrounding virology and getting into things like genomic sequencing of viruses, the spike protein, getting into things like gain of function, which I'm happy to touch on a little bit later.
Alec Zeck: But I urge anyone to look into this for themselves. And then the other thing with this is people operate even amongst the health freedom crowds, as if it is a well established fact that disease is spread via the fluids of a sick person. But this is actually based in an unproven assumption as well.
Alec Zeck: And we can refer to a number of experiments that have been done over, up until roughly like 19 40, 19 50, when they stopped doing them for what they say was unethical. Because it was unethical, but it's ultimately because they were not able to [00:30:00] produce the results that they wanted to go with their preconceived notions around how disease was spread.
Alec Zeck: And one of the common examples that I'm sure some people are familiar with are the rosenau experiments that occurred during the Spanish flu from 1918 through 1919. During the height of the Spanish flu, Milton Rosenau conducted several experiments on, in two different cor quarantine locations where he took a hundred volunteers from the Navy.
Alec Zeck: Of course, he used the military as Guinea pigs because that's what. Is typically done. Sorry, I had to just cuz I knew you'd get it. Yeah. Nothing's changed. Took two volunteers or a hundred volunteers from the Navy and exposed them via various methods to fluids from Spanish flu patients like their nasal secretions, even took infected blood from Spanish flu patients and injected it directly into these healthy patients.
Alec Zeck: Took several of the, sorry, of the healthy volunteers, took several of the healthy volunteers, brought them to a Spanish flu ward and had them interact with shake, [00:31:00] shake hands, with, had these Spanish flu patients who were in a Spanish flu ward, open mouth, cough into their faces, had them hug all these things.
Alec Zeck: Disgusting. And then it turns out the results of the experiment were zero of the 100 volunteers became sick. And Milton Rosenau was quoted as saying something to the effect of, we went into the outbreak with the notion that we knew how this disease was spread. See, they already had that preconceived idea.
Alec Zeck: As much of us do surrounding this whole thing that we know disease is spread via the fluids of a sick person. We know that by being around who's sick, the eye will also get sick. We already know this. It's a well established fact, but it's not because zero out of a hundred in that experiment became sick.
Alec Zeck: And that's one of several experiments that during the end of Covid in session 11 called the Proof of Contagion, we go into a number of these experiments claiming to have, or attempting to prove that disease is passed via the fluids of a sick person. And all of them turned out to show the opposite. In fact, one of the examples, some of the [00:32:00] volunteers in a control experiment were injected with saline and more people.
Alec Zeck: Were became sick after being infected with saline than those who were exposed to the fluids of a sick person. So that sort of reemphasizes how belief plays into this. And I'm happy to also talk about belief later on during this too, because that's a huge factor according to even the CDC's own data.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, that's interesting that the placebo had worse outcomes because usually placebos are, those people do better. That's what we test as yeah. A fake drug to make them think they're feeling better. When we did the exact opposite, we gave 'em a fake injection, making them think they got the illness and then they got the illness.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. And this is what's referred to not as the placebo effect, but the nocebo effect. And I highly encourage people to look up the placebo and nocebo effect. You can literally manifest worse outcomes just by your own belief. And I think it's relevant, so I'll just say it. According to the CDCs own data 95% of covid deaths had an average of four [00:33:00] comorbidities, which is not super surprising.
Alec Zeck: So that means that only 5% of those that were labeled covid deaths had no additional co-factors for death. 95% of them had an average of four, so it was people who were already very unhealthy, overwhelmingly, who are passing away. And that also brings up the question of what is your definition of healthy at this point?
Alec Zeck: Because even those 5% of people who allegedly had no comorbidities, I would've loved to see what their health level was. But in addition to that, 79% of hospitalizations were in overweight or obese people. And the second strongest risk factor for death, according to a study published in part by the C D C in July of 2021.
Alec Zeck: Found that the second strongest risk factor for death was fear slash anxiety related disorders. So think about the implications of that. That's not even people who are just in a perpetual state of fear or anxiety wound up in the hospital, wound up being thrown on REM desi severe and a ventilator, et cetera, et cetera, that ended up passing [00:34:00] away.
Alec Zeck: These are people who had an anxiety or fear related disorder, meaning I, or implying, I would imagine that they had already been diagnosed previously with a fear slash anxiety related disorder. So it doesn't even account for those who were just in a perpetual state of fear, but that did not have a diagnosis disorder, which really shows how much of a factor fear plays into this whole thing.
Alec Zeck: Our belief surrounding something, going back to the Santa Claus example, irrespective of whether it exists or not, can actually manifest symptoms of illness. And a lot of people in the alternative health community will say I wasn't scared of this virus. I wasn't scared at all. I knew it was just the flu rebranded, but.
Alec Zeck: Were you afraid of government tyranny? Were you afraid of the uncertainty? And ultimately, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I wasn't. I absolutely was at points. And fear is not discriminating based on whether you're scared of the virus or scared of something else. You were just in a perpetual state of fear.
Alec Zeck: And that can lead to real symptoms of illness.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And when this whole thing kicked [00:35:00] off, I was fearful of the virus. Like I, I set up our little we had a little like a garage disconnected from the house and we lived in Alaska below zero temperatures. It's pretty chilly out there. But I set it up to where if I needed to, I could go out there cuz I didn't wanna get, kill my family cuz I was like, oh goodness, this covid thing is gonna kill us all.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: 1918 flu all over again if I only did my homework beforehand and realized that's not what it was, either the 1918 flu.
Alec Zeck: Yeah and this kind of just shows the level like, cuz I don't know where you were with all vaccines and studying the true nature of the pharmaceutical industry and stuff like that.
Alec Zeck: But just prior to this whole charade kicking off, I had already researched the vaccine industry. And in fact my, like I had already had my child, my first son and he was completely unvaccinated because I was aware of the harmful nature and the corrupt nature of the pharmaceutical industry. But I did believe that viruses existed and caused disease.
Alec Zeck: But I took the approach without really [00:36:00] exploring terrain that, oh, you won't get as sick, or they won't cause that big of an issue so long as they're not manmade ones. As long as you maintain good health and you eat good organic food and workout and don't hold on to toxic emotions, et cetera, et cetera.
Alec Zeck: But when I was. The beginning of this whole thing, I bought into the idea that there was a gain of function, lab made virus. In fact, I was one of the people who was taking the natural version that you can buy at Whole Foods or Natural Grocers or Trader Joe's of like disinfectant wipes and like wiping down all my food before I brought it inside.
Alec Zeck: And this was back in like January of 2020 because I was following some Reddit subs and I saw how they were describing that a virus likely escaped from a lab. And this was before the mainstream was really touching on any of this. This was around December, 2019, leading into January, 2020. I was like, oh my God.
Alec Zeck: They finally succeeded [00:37:00] in creating one of these bio weapons or creating another one of them. And this is gonna be lethal. Cause I was seeing all these images and videos of Chinese people dropping dead in the streets, which I now have come to understand was total state run Chinese propaganda. But I bought into it.
Alec Zeck: I did buy into it at the very beginning.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I brought into it as well, I thought I remember going on Christmas vacation and talking to my nurse and saying, Hey, we're gonna see this number spiking soon and we're gonna look at these plane patterns where everybody's traveling. We're gonna see it here in the United States any moment now.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And we came back and sure enough, it's spread more and more.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. And it's interesting because so what happened with me is, again, I was initially bought into this fear, and we cover this during the end of Covid too in a session called the Covid Origin story, where we go day by day from roughly November, 2019 through February, 2020, looking at the news coverage and then what was happening [00:38:00] in actuality like that you can, that's public knowledge behind the scenes with some of these NGOs and some of these governmental organizations.
Alec Zeck: And. What we found revisiting some of those things is that this gain of function narrative was being covered in the mainstream. At the very beginning, at the very beginning of this whole thing, there were several mainstream news articles talking about the need to protect against gain of function experiments, the need to to put a more, more, put more regulations on gain of function experiments, and even some of them talking about the likelihood that a virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, some of them were talking about that.
Alec Zeck: But then what happened was that narrative that was inserted at the very beginning was then squashed. So all of us who were already like conspiracy minded, aware of the corruption, looked at that and they were like, oh my God, they're there. It is. They're covering up the true information. That's what I thought too.
Alec Zeck: I was like, oh my God, they're trying to cover this up. Holy crap. They're, [00:39:00] this is gonna kill millions of people. But then as I continued to observe, Reality, like not buying into any of the, spectrum of information on the alternative side or on the mainstream side. As I just observed reality, I was like, this isn't adding up.
Alec Zeck: Like th the're talking about a lab made virus that looks like people are dropping dead in the streets. But this has been two months now around March, three months into this whole thing, and I'm not seeing any of that happen. What the heck? And then I by chance come across a video of Dr. Tom Cowan describing, following a pot of dolphins who are getting sick off the coast of Florida using just an analogy, right?
Alec Zeck: And he asked someone in the audience what what their first thought would be if they saw a pot of dolphins all getting sick and mass. And the person answered, who put some crap in the water? Of course, like when it [00:40:00] comes to any animals or things like that's our first thought. It's not, oh my God, what virus is spreading throughout their community is causing them to become sick.
Alec Zeck: It's who, what was there food source cutoff? Was there a new toxin that was introduced because of industrial chemicals that are, that were polluting the environment as human beings? And don't get me started on the climate change thing. I think that's complete nonsense. But of course, human beings do pollute the environment and cause issues.
Alec Zeck: Like glyphosate is a major problem in our food, but we need to be good stewards. That's the conversation for another time. But the earth is not collapsed cause Yeah. No dude. No, no chance. No chance. But yeah, I think people tend to jump to ex extremes on that, on both sides. And it's we do need to treat the earth well.
Alec Zeck: We need to treat God's creation because it is providing us food and sustenance and homes. It's our home and cetera, et cetera. Exactly, man. Of course. Any, anyway, like I, I was. I listened to that analogy and I was like, oh my God, that makes so much sense. Like why do we think that [00:41:00] way for animals?
Alec Zeck: But when it comes to. Our health, the first thing we think of is oh, I caught a inf, I caught a virus from Joe down the street cuz he was sick and his kids were sick, et cetera, et cetera. And then I started looking into virology and really looking into the details of everything that I just described.
Alec Zeck: And I found that the foundation for virology is nonsense. And there's actually several other known things that are causing us to be sick, even causing us to be sick amongst groups of us exposure to similar toxins, similar eating habits similar EMF exposure inside our home. Similar emotional trauma that we're suppressing.
Alec Zeck: A unique combination of all those things. And then there's also. Other possible explanations for the phenomenon of two people experiencing something that does not have to include any particle being passed between them. As an example, when women are around each other for an extended period of time, they're known to sync up on their menstrual cycles.
Alec Zeck: Is that [00:42:00] caused by a contagious virus? I would argue no. There's no proof of that either. And no one even thinks that when it comes to that phenomenon. They're just like, oh, just something happens. Or like, when I'm around you, Sam, in person, and I yawn, you're likely to yawn and did I pass you the yawn virus?
Alec Zeck: Like it's contagious. Other, maybe not. Yeah. The same way. Yeah. It might be, but that's the thing. There's pheromones that come into the picture. There's even mirror neurons that might come into the picture. There's. Bioresonance knowing that we have a measurable and observable biofield, the human biofield that surrounds our body.
Alec Zeck: We have an electromagnetic field that surrounds our body, and we know that electromagnetic fields are impacted by other electromagnetic fields. That's a well known scientific fact, and we just, these other possible explanations for what is causing this phenomenon simply have not been explored thoroughly because we've been so myopically focused on this unproven idea that disease is spread via these obligate intracellular parasites that are passed from person to person when it's complete nonsense and totally unproven.
Alec Zeck: So when it comes to this gain of [00:43:00] function thing, Like we, I see the alternative community latching onto this idea of a man made by weapon that was released. And even without getting into the no virus issue as an example, Nick Hudson from out of South Africa, has compiled a essentially several thorough analyses of health measures that were implemented across the world, and also mortality data across the world showing that when just looking at the mortality data, there is absolutely no proof of a novel threat.
Alec Zeck: There's none, and that's without even getting into the no virus thing. And then when you get into the no virus thing, it's there. There's literally no foundational proof. That the virus exists or causes any sort of disease. And so when it comes to gain of function, I think that I don't a, again, I don't think that there's some grand scheme amongst all scientists to, to manipulate us when and hide the truth from us.
Alec Zeck: I think maybe at the tippy top there is, but mostly this is just rooted [00:44:00] in conditioning. And during the end of Covid, my personal favorite session, I think number 16, on module two, the gain of function narrative. Doctors Mark and Sam Bailey out two medical doctors outta New Zealand go into the granular details of known gain of function experiments, showing that it's all based and unproven assumptions and gain of function is just another fear-based narrative that the alternative community is now latched onto to that will allow this nonsense to perpetuate again into the future.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: One thing I wanna kind of comment on what you said is, you don't think it's some big conspiracy may, maybe at the tippy top there's some conspirator ideas. I agree with you, but slight disagree also, cuz I, I do think there is a con, a conspiracy, but I think it's even bigger than that. There's not these guys in some star chamber going, all right, what are we gonna do this today?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Brain take over the war. We're, they're not doing that. It's that unseen realm. It's these creatures that rebelled against God. And I know for some people, and I, and [00:45:00] you may even disagree with me, but the, it sounds absolutely fantastical and crazy and all that, but they're real possession is real.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And it, it's a whispering in the ear. I don't disagree at all actually. Okay, good. And when you hear that whispering in the ear and you're like, oh, this is good for those group of people and it's good for me. But in reality, when you don't take the time to think about the all the consequences, you get disaster and destruction.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, I completely agree with you. And you could frame that in different ways or a unique combination of always, and that there are literal, energetic, demonic entities that we can't see, that aren't physically like a apparent to us, but that absolutely seed ideas to us. You could also say that it's our own condition beliefs, a unique combination of the two.
Alec Zeck: There, there are several things at play because ultimately just speaking to physical, Known reality without even going into that. And I do actually 100% agree with you on that, but I tend not to focus on that because [00:46:00] people will be like, oh, this guy, so he is saying viruses don't exist, but now he's saying this thing that he can't prove exists.
Alec Zeck: And this is where I emphasize the difference between belief. I believe in those things and my belief surrounding those things. I do not impose or infringe or push that belief upon other people. And then ultimately, with virology and viruses, Right now that is no more than a belief system because there's no physical material proof of them, and the difference is people who are taking that belief and then wielding it and weaponizing it upon the entire human population.
Alec Zeck: That's the difference between a belief and knowing and application. So just to emphasize that Yeah. Quickly. But like these, yeah, go ahead
Dr Sam Sigoloff: to, to further that thought a little bit is religion is great and religion is your belief. Whatever it is, it answers a different question than science does, and we should, the listener, the viewer should never have to believe science.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Never. Because then it's a faith, it's not science. Science is proving, and that's the whole point, right?
Alec Zeck: Yeah. It's proving no world this whole thing is literally [00:47:00] a religion. This thing is a religion. Now virology is a religion. Allopathic medicine, for the most part, aside from emergency and acute care in certain specialties, has become a religion.
Alec Zeck: It absolutely has. And that's the issue right now because it is going off of blind faith in these experts who can know where this non-existent, non-pro to exist, non-pro to be pathogenic threat is and only they can know. And anyone who questions them is immediately branded a heretic and they're cast aside.
Alec Zeck: It's literally no different than a very dogmatic religion. It's the same thing. It's the exact same thing, and potentially worse because irrespective of actual religious or spiritual beliefs, they're pushing this upon the entire human population. So it's definitely worse. But with that these guys these dudes at the top, whoever the hell they are, they understand human psychology very well.
Alec Zeck: Very well. So ultimately, like when it comes to scientists, doctors, [00:48:00] the military is actually a great example of this, and I know you can't really touch on this as much as I openly can, but I will say Yeah, please do. Please do. Yeah. So the three experiments that we can look at that sort of give us allow us to peer into the behavior of human beings are the Milgram experiments, the ash experiments, and the Stanford Prison experiments.
Alec Zeck: So the Milgram experiments, I urge people to look this up, set out to determine how often human beings would obey authority in the face of causing another human being harm. And what they found through this experiment with which dealt with the person that was actually the subject of the experiment delivering.
Alec Zeck: What certain levels of shock to someone who was answering questions that was an actor actually behind a wall. And as he kept delivering shocks based on this person answering these questions, that person started to yell and scream oh my God. Stop. You're gonna kill me. You're gonna kill me. And [00:49:00] this subject of the experiment would look up to the authority figure and say, is it okay if I continue their yelling, that they're gonna, they're gonna die?
Alec Zeck: And the authority figure would say, yep, they signed up for it. And that person in the face of causing actual harm would conform to authority. I think it was over half of the time and it was done on several people, so over half of the people would conform to what the authority told them to
Dr Sam Sigoloff: do. I believe it was close to 80% conformed.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Go ahead. And a very small percentage actually stopped and said, no, I'm not doing this.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, exactly. And so that informs us of the human psyche there. And then the ash experiments set out to determine how often human beings will conform to group think. And I forget the exact nature of the experiment, but essentially went something like this.
Alec Zeck: Everyone else that seemed to be participating in the experiment were actors that were told to give a wrong answer, to verbally give a wrong answer. And someone would essentially [00:50:00] hold up something like flashcards. And let's say there was very clearly an observed reality, four dots on the flashcards, and they would hold up the flashcard and these other people would answer three.
Alec Zeck: They would yell out three. And this person who is actually the subject of the experiment. Again, trying to determine how often people would conform to group think over half of them, I think it was like 65% of them would say three, along with the other people in the face of a clear. Clear showing of four dots, right?
Alec Zeck: So again, in the face of reality, showing them the exact opposite human beings over half the time will conform to what the group is saying or doing just because they want to go along with the crowd. So those two things. And then the Stanford Prison experiments had to be stopped the first time they were conducted because of how brutal people beha became.
Alec Zeck: So it was done at Stanford University, I think it was done at a dormitory and two thirds of the people, these were just college students, as volunteers were assigned to [00:51:00] be prisoners. One third was assigned to be the prison guards, and they had to stop the experiment because the ones that were taking on the role of prison guards literally began brutalizing and physically abusing and verbally abusing those that were prisoners because they had a position of authority.
Alec Zeck: So when it comes to this whole charade surrounding C O V I D, especially with those operating as. Let's say agents of any health authority or agents of any literal, like governmental authority, it takes a very strong mind, Dr. Sam Soff and other people. It takes a very strong mind for someone to stand up against and go against what the rest of the group is doing in the face of authority telling them to do certain things.
Alec Zeck: And that's what we have with what's happened with this whole charade the past three and a half years.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It's been an apocalypse. And I mean that in the true sense of the word means, uncovering apocalypse means to uncover. It doesn't mean the end of the world. And it has been an [00:52:00] uncovering a de masking, if you will, cuz I'm sure you.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: You're just a few years younger than me, but this is the thought that went through me. And most people that I knew in high school, we learned about the Holocaust. How could they do this? How could they do that? And then go home to their family every night and hug their kids and then be putting people in gas chambers and ovens during the day.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: This is how we did it. And they actually would disappear if they went against it here. We just had minor social pressure on Facebook.
Alec Zeck: Yeah. Isn't it unbelievable. And that's really shows us how cowardly, how disconnected spiritually, how just disconnected from reality human beings have become.
Alec Zeck: There's actually another session during the end of Covid called The Digital Phenomenon of Covid. And it Discusses how the only way they were able to really carry this out is because we as human beings, ironically, I'm talking to you on using the platform that I would be describing here, but it can be like, it's just a tool [00:53:00] that can be used for good or for bad.
Alec Zeck: Obviously we're spreading ideas that is helping to dissolve illusions. But the point is this could have never happened prior to the digital era to the magnitude that it occurred. And I think that they attempted to do something like this with hiv aids, but we were still analog people at that point.
Alec Zeck: Like now we literally have our brains in our pockets. Let's think of how many times now you don't even have to think about something cuz you just know subconsciously that, oh, my phone has that information. Now I don't have to memorize these things. I don't have to write it down a piece of paper.
Alec Zeck: It's on my phone. It's like a secondary brain. And that brain has us glued to it at all times for those of us who are unaware and most of the population is unaware. So they start seeing things projected on these black rectangles and then creating an overlay of it in observe reality, especially because everyone else around them is doing the same thing.
Alec Zeck: Thus perpetuating that false, completely false illusory reality into [00:54:00] real reality, thus making it appear more real. That's what's happening.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: This is the only time in human history where people have been isolated, but not alone because you're isolated by yourself in your own home, but you have this community.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: That, that has absorbed you into it. The borg, if you will, or the hive mind. And it's all about this, the science and, virus and all this, and they're all going the same direction. Previously, if you were alone in your home, you'd be alone in your home and you would have no community. So you'd be pressured to leave your home, to visit your neighbors, to actually get real community.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But here you're getting that kinda artificial desire filled artificially with some bit of community. And once you enter a community like that, you're not, you're gonna rat your neighbor out. You're gonna rat your kids or your parents out before you leave that community cuz it's that strong.
Alec Zeck: Totally agree. Yeah. And it's just I think it in many ways, for those who are unaware, the digital realm has just amplified the worst [00:55:00] of all human behaviors. Like people behave online and speak to other people online in ways that they would never. Do in person Likem reason why, but you get it.
Alec Zeck: I get it all the time.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Because in person, there's a reason why Absolutely. If someone said that to someone else, they'd be missing their teeth as they walked away. That doesn't
Alec Zeck: Yeah, that's the whole point. No, it never does. But it's just amplifies the worst of human behavior. And it's just and this is a perfect example.
Alec Zeck: The whole charade of the last three and a half years, it's amplified. Like people were literally taking what the authority figures were saying based that was being projected to them via these black rectangles and projecting that onto their own reality in the face of their own lived and observable experiences, showing them the exact opposite.
Alec Zeck: That's how disconnected we are. And that is scary as hell.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: There's so much power in that little black mirror that everyone stares at and is connected to. [00:56:00] And right now it's only in your hand. In the not so distant future, they'll, it'll be different. They're, I dunno if it'll be just like this, but there may be some injectable that goes into your brain that projects inside of your eye.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: There's patents that explain this. So it's really not that farfetched, what I'm saying?
Alec Zeck: Yeah, no, not at all. Not farfetched even a little bit. And I think that's the general direction they're attempting to go with some of the tech technology that is inside these injectable products.
Alec Zeck: And we have three different sessions during the end of Covid. I know one person who's been a guest, actually no two of them have been a guest on your podcast, Dr. Anna Mahachi, and then also Dr. Lee Merritt. They both have their own respective session called the mRNA shots part part one and then part three.
Alec Zeck: And then part two of the mRNA shots is with Dr. Anna Maria Oliva outta Spain. And they're all three dif differing perspectives in some ways. But the general sentiments is that it's very clear that [00:57:00] this technology and this agenda is for the purpose of transhumanism. It absolutely is.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And one thing you just kinda touched upon that I wanna help alleviate fears cuz so often in this field where we're looking into things that we don't really fully know, it seems like there's a lot of conflicting information and really I think what we all see is something is wrong and this is the angle that we find at it.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And the truth is probably more like in the middle rather than being hardcore. One idea or the other idea, it's usually somewhere in the middle.
Alec Zeck: Yeah, it ju and it just depends on any given situation. So like obviously some things are absolutely black and white
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