Le Voyage dans la Lune. (1902) Public Domain Movie, remastered and colorized.

1 year ago

Le Voyage Dans la Lune

remastered and colorized
Georges Méliès, a trip to the moon, le voyage dans la lune, 1902, trip to the moon

Le Voyage Dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) by Georges Méliès (1902)

George Melies's `A Trip to the Moon' welcomes a change in film making of the twentieth century. Combined with live action as well as models, the movie tells a story about astronauts who take a trip to the moon. The moon, having a human face captures the astronauts after they crash into its eye. They later escape the moon and it's moon-men and make it back to earth safely. Melies wrote, directed and starred in this movie. He used many important techniques in his films to make them successful. Not only did he develop editing skills and superimposed images, he also used double exposure to complete the magic behind his films. Still used today, Melies's special effects, small models, painted backgrounds, weird makeup and costumes were just some of the important things used in the movie `A Trip to the Moon.' - by uoi_chick

Trivia: While on the moon, the astronomers watch the Earth rise over the horizon. To a person on the moon, the Earth never moves. It does not rise or set.

France 1 September 1902
USA 4 October 1902
Sweden 29 October 1902 (Gothenburg)
Netherlands 21 November 1902 (Amsterdam)
Japan 9 August 1905

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