Pierre Trudeau ruined Canada – the case for Alberta independence by Michael Wagner

1 year ago

Canada has been one of the freest and most prosperous countries in history. But Canada is not the country it once was. There have been momentous changes in recent decades, and it’s much harder to be proud of Canada now than before.

The main person responsible for Canada’s decline is Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. He did many things to ruin Canada, with two of the most important being his attack on Alberta in the 1970s and early 1980s, and his destructive changes to Canada’s constitution in 1982. Property rights were deliberately omitted from the Charter.

This talk was presented on June 17, 2023 in Bowden, Alberta.

For more information about the case for Alberta independence, see the book No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta: https://www.amazon.ca/No-Other-Option-Self-Determination-Alberta/dp/1777504716/ref=sr_1_1?crid=10H2OPC5GYL87&keywords=no+other+option+michael+wagner&qid=1687127096&s=books&sprefix=no+other+option+michael+wagner%2Cstripbooks%2C136&sr=1-1

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