Human Digital Twin - Bio-Digital Convergence. The Internet of Bio-Nano-Things. Mind Controlled

1 year ago

Human Digital Twin - Bio-Digital Convergence. The Internet of Bio-Nano-Things. Mind Controlled Therapeutics April 13th, 2023
Medical Science has progressed Far beyond the capabilities that the vast majority of the population is aware of.
But the problem with our modern Big Pharma Care system is not only it's flawed theory of Allopathic Medicine, it is the Control of the HMOs that work to make and keep people sick to Profit off of Pain, Suffering and Misery.
But the US Government is the largest source for research funding. But any new promising research is ALWAYS HIGHJACKED by Secret Military.
The Most Advanced research is Always being conducted by Government. But if that Technology has Any Potential to be Weaponized, it Will Be Weaponized. Any possible use for the benefit of humanity is Denied.
The Technology Possessed by our Government and Military is equal to just about anything you will see in a Blockbuster Sci Fi Movie.
Unfortunately, our Government is not like Captain Kirk, but more like the BORG.
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