Twin Super Human Beatbox Talent Suprise the Internet!

1 year ago

Agaw Jake and Joemar have the rarest talent on making raw sound to create Beatbox Music. Jomar & Jake live in isolated area, kilometers away from the main City of Carcar, Visayas, Philippines. They discover this very unique style of creating sound when they were just 5 years old, JJ's uncle said. During the day, these two love to hang and play at the jungle, and when the night comes, going back to their home without enough light on their way, they usually use their hands to clap to make sound so that their uncle would hear them both coming or ask for help in going home. Besides, these two love music and art, like making toys from wood.

These twin is really a definition of extraordinary. Witness their new Beatbox Music on this video, and don't forget to Follow us, we have more amazing stories for you.

Artists: Agaw Jake and Joemar
Location: Carcar City, Cebu, Philippines
Filmed by: Beatbox Allstars

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