Tracy Roberts - Cleaning House: Receiving the Name of YeHoVaH on Your Forehead - RTC 2023

1 year ago

RTC 2023 Friday session May 26, 2023, in Lindon Utah
Speaker details:
Tracy Roberts is a sixth-generation Mormon who served a 25-month mission which was a 7-month extension of his original 18-month mission call. He served in the New Zealand Christchurch Mission from September 1984-October 1986 under the leadership of Grant L. Spackman and Dean D. Baxter. His church service over the years includes Sunday School President, Elders Quorum President, Ward Mission Leader, Scout Master, and Stake Young Men’s Presidency. Tracy is a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek and has genealogy taking him to the bloodlines of Aaron the first Priest and King David. Of the 78 named Kohen Gadol, High Priest of the Temple at Jerusalem 59 of them are in his bloodline.
Tracy and his wife LaVieve are the parents of five children and six angel babies. They were married in the Manti Temple on December 16, 1994. He retired from the Utah County Sheriff’s Office and was awarded the rank of Colonel of the Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard and Colonel of the Sheriff’s Posse. After his retirement he was recalled for two different funerals which changed the rank from honorary rank to a rank with time in service.
Tracy has preached in many different churches and denominations through the years. When asked which church he belonged to the response is, “I am a Bu-Hin-Jew-Funda-Morma-Bapta-Costal (Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Fundamentalist Mormon, LDS-Mormon, Baptist, Pentecostal); a man who seeks the truth wherever it can be found. Tracy loves to preach teach and expound the gospel of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) whenever a pulpit is given in any church and at any time. He has a BA in Political Science from Brigham Young University.

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