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90. Dr Bruce Dooley and the Federation of State Medical Boards
Today I talk with Dr. Bruce Dooley. Dr. Dooley has been exposing the Federation of State Medical Boards for what it is…a scam that is controlling doctors.
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90. Dr Bruce Dooley and the Federation
Dr. Bruce Dooley: [00:00:00] If you hear anybody use these two words together, know that he's, he's false and don't believe, don't ever believe the science. He said there is no such thing as the science. Science is always changing. It's always a debate. It has to be allowed to be debated. And being shutting down and saying that's not the science is immediately a cue that what you're getting fed is standard line that is supposed to be shouted across the world for the moneyed interest, if you will.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to after Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave and Dr.
Nurse Kelly: Sigoloff was not in [00:01:00] uniform at the time of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: All right. Well, thank you for joining me again. I have a very special guest today, but before I introduce him, I wanna thank all of my Patreon supporters. We've got shell pace at the $50 level. We've got an anonymous donor family at 20. At the 2020 level.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: We have the pandemic reprimand to at $17 and 76 cents. With Ty Charles, tinfoil Stanley, Dr. Anna, who's been a guest on here. We have Frank Brian, we have Kevin. At the $10 level, we have the $5 refined, not burned level, with Linda Emmy. Joe, pat and Bev, pj, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer, Ken. We've got Frank at $1 and 50 cents, and the courage is contagious level.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: At $1 a month, we have Amanda, Jay bets, Natty Darrell, Susan BB King, who is a guest. And Rick, thank you so much for all the. The money you've been supporting. This fight just keeps going and going and going. I recently had an interview or a, a meeting with the Texas Medical Board. I can't divulge any information from that until August when they [00:02:00] have the official meeting.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: The lawsuit against the Secretary of Defense is ongoing and it's close to a hundred thousand dollars worth of money that, of my own that I've placed into that. So I appreciate every, every penny that everyone's been able to provide. But today we have a very special guest. His name is Dr. Bruce Dooley.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Now he, he has uncovered some amazing things in the past and he's been doing this for a while. But sir, go ahead and tell us, kinda give us an intro and, and tell us what you've been uncovering.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, thanks for having me, Sam. I I'm, I'm calling you, I'm talking to you from New Zealand where I'm a registered physician, but I'm also have registration in Florida for over 40 years in medical clinics.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: There. And what I wouldn't, you know, I've been involved with integrative complement alternative medicine for all, almost all that time. Early on though I had the interesting run in, as we all had with my Florida Medical Board. And it was on the basis of one [00:03:00] word and an, and an advertisement that I had, but it was basically they were coming after me for doing chelation therapy.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And when I was leaving the w the second meeting after I had marched a whole bunch of about 400 patients on them to not shut down chelation and it worked. I heard them say we'll meet you, I'll meet you at the federation meeting in Dallas next week. And I went, Federation. And then it, it wa it, it took me back about six years when I was sitting on the board of, I was on the board of directors of the, of amazing.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Growing, very rapidly growing doctor's organization called acam, American College for the Advancement of Medicine. And I remember Terry Chap, the president at the time, had this folder and he had all these papers. He says, damn. He says, this federation, they denied 27 requests for us to be expert witnesses, expert contributors to their new policy on compliment or alterative medicine that they're gonna put out.[00:04:00]
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, I didn't, I thought to myself, well, that's, that's really good. Terrible thing to do, but I, I forgot all about it. And and a year later, our acam was attacked by the Fed the federal Trade Commission for, again, like one word and, and about chelation helping with heart disease. I didn't put two and two together cuz I didn't, you know, you know, I only, I only found out later that the federation actually had invited the head of the FTC the year before and he's on record.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Transcript saying, thank you very much for telling us about Acam. We'll take care of them more or less. And then they did. So they basically shut down a 12. We had 1200 doctors, 1200. And it was growing at the rate of, yeah, it was growing at the rate of about 200 doctors a year. We had a million dollars in the bank.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And they stopped this effort. And it really, basically when that report came out about Cam, it was, it was written by what we call the quack busters. These doctors that do nothing but de denigrate any doctors that don't just [00:05:00] follow the line. And at the end of that report, which I can send you, it's really absolutely amazing cuz I have still have a copy.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: You can't find it anymore. But that special report that basically was voted in by the delicate boards of this federation, we can talk how they do. That said at the bottom that Daniel Eisenberg study from Harvard showed that the the de use of alternative medical therapies had approached 30 billion a year and more and more visits to alternative practitioners than to regular gps.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And this was their battle cry at the bottom was like, we better stop this. And that's, so this is, this has really been what's been gone. We, we are looking at a and so anyway, long story short, I put the two federations together that were about six years apart and I ended up going to signing in, if you will as a guest.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And you can do that. And I, and I watched how they did this, and then I wa then that was in Dallas and then the next year I went [00:06:00] to Atlanta and I went undercover, if you will, there to again. See how I know. And it was great fun, but it, you know, I was shocked to see that this 110 year organization, it was, it was formed in 1912.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Alright, 1912 is and, and we don't know who funds them. We know through the help of people that have gotten this information that they're, they spend about a million dollars a week. That's their internal revenue statements. They have office huge two-story hu huge two, two-story buildings stuck back in a little.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: A big suburb kind of hidden and 300 staff there. They also have a, a big office in Washington, dc This is a. Very secretive organization that hide that hides in the shadows, but they, they control pretty much the medical boards, councils in both the United States, 70 70 medical boards and [00:07:00] including your osteopathic would be on it.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And also in a by a sidebar little comp, not company, but organization called the International Association of Medical Regulators. I am r. Which is same address in Fuller Drive, 400 Fuller Drive. And then that they, through that they control the other countries that are members, Germany, Canada, uk, Australia, New Zealand, and sitting on their board of directors, sitting on their board is the secretary, is the CEO and president of the Federation.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: He makes a million dollars a year, Dr. Chandry. So this is a this is a dark, secretive organization that most 99.9% of doctors don't know about or didn't know about. And for 20 years I've been kind of trying to figure out how in the world we we, we would get at the, get at, you know, just uncover what they're doing.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And then all of a sudden the covid scheme came out. [00:08:00] And and then all the doctors started getting doctors like Merl Nassau was just talking about earlier. And you know, all around the world, including McCullough now. And you know, and we have 26 physicians down here, doctors, really good doctors who are being attacked by the New Zealand Medical Counsel.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Not one patient complaint. In fact, in 40 years. I have not had one patient complain in 40 years. I have not had one malpractice in 40 years. And and all my all my effort has been fighting medical boards through this time for, in my particular case right now for prescribing Ivermectin, which I'm personally I mean we we're professionally allowed to do by law and it's safe and is very effective.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And and the whole story is coming out I think very clearly. I think is it Malone's book coming out? The War on Ivermectin? There's a, he's putting out a book this week, I think it's finally getting out called the War on Ivermectin. [00:09:00] And it should be very interesting, but I'll tell you one, the, the, the, if anybody wants to really see how this was handled, They should go and read at least the first chapter of Robert f Kennedy's Junior's book, the, the Real Anthony Fauci.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: You can get it for $3 at the electronic version on, on Amazon. And very, and you know, of course Kennedy being a lawyer and knew who he was up against. He documents everything and, and it's been bulletproof. He's not been attacked. For one thing he said in 900 pages, which I haven't. Honestly gotten through.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's a, that's a lot of, that's a lot of reading. But in the, in the first chapter he talks about how they were able to stop ivermectin in a hydroxychloroquine early on so that they could roll in the experimental shot the inoculation with mRNA. It's an absolutely amazing story. And we have a, there's a.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: There's a, there's a billionaire in Australia [00:10:00] Palmer. Mr. Palmer is he went out in 2021 and he bought enough hydroxychloroquine for every Australian in the country, right? This is an amazing story. So he said, you know, he says, I'm gonna make this available to everybody early on. Cause I, I believe in it.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And the government came in and seized it and destroyed it. So he's, he's hopping mad. Mr. Mr. Palmer, he's really mad. He's been he used to be a senator too, I think he was in, in the legislature. Anyway, that's a, that's a, that's a, a run on kind of thing about where I'm at. I'm trying to get people to wake up to the idea that this is not, and particularly doctors, that this is not coming from their individual boards, that these boards have.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Medical boards and councils they go to these meetings and they have a delegate voting thing at the very end kind of a ceremony, velvet ropes and, and all of this. And the, the delegates march in and they each get a [00:11:00] desk with the little electronic voting booth and the, the federation the year before or during the year when they've been absent to these annual meetings.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Have, well, in fact, I'll, I'll tell you what they did in the last one at the last meeting, which was in February of 2022 in New Orleans. They brought forward for voting the federation's plan 12 page plan on misinformation and disinformation. So you medical boards now, and they voted it in because they, they wind you and dine you at these five star hotels.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I mean, it's really quite a, I've never been to anything that was quite so splash as what the Federation puts on. And they tell you what good doctors are and how we have to protect the public from harm. This is the medical board's. Battle cry, of course, is harm. Well, this, there's no harm being done here with I metin.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: In fact, there's harm being done by not using early treatment. What we were being told is doctors after they pulled, [00:12:00] after they scared. Well, so anyway, the, the federation in. Early 2021. No, that mid around June did something very unusual. Sam. They, they did, they did a blast around the world. A a public, they came out and publicly in, in, in all the news media, and I've never seen this before.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And they said, We're concerned that doctors are spreading Mrs. Misinformation about covid and early treatment with, they didn't say Ivermectin, but they, you know, and, and because physicians have a high place of trust and by the public, they are, they need to be specially controlled. Pretty much. I. And if they give mis misinformation, then they are at risk of losing their license by the medical board.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Of course. Course you know, you and I, you know, well, I'm not gonna speak for [00:13:00] myself, but most, or for you, but most doctors spend all of their lives right through trying to get. Out and, and become a doctor. And then they have to pay back their medical, their, their bills, their college things, lots of expenses.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So they are and, and many times now they're not independent. Like when my, my father was a physician, and I speak about this in some of their interviews, where they were all independent doctors. You know, they were their own captains of their own ship. Nobody told them what to do. Now doctors are being paid here in New Zealand by the government, mostly not me, I'm private, independent or by HMOs or they're dependent on insurance companies or, or big corporations that own their practices on and on.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So they're, they're, they're under c pretty much under control, aren't they? And if they don't do what they're told to do, like get jabbed or, you know, all these other things, Then they can lose their job. And, you know, how, where, where are they gonna go? What else, what other trade does a doctor have? Think about it, right?[00:14:00]
Dr Sam Sigoloff: We spend our entire lives becoming doctors. And so that's all these years not developing other skills. We're got our head notebook trying to figure this out,
Dr. Bruce Dooley: right, and they know that the, the Medica, the Federation and, and they know that. They know that. And then, and then of course, in your particular case and many others they're using you know Government funds in, in many cases to attack doctors who then have to defend themselves and, and go further into debt and, you know, mortgages, their housed to pay for their lawyer fees, to protect their livelihood for something that was not a direct harm to patients.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: You understand this, this is, this is really where it's got, and misinformation and disinformation, which was voted in, in at this house meeting. This sorry. Their, their annual meeting in New Orleans now is then transferred onto the books of every state medical board as law. You see, it's InCorp.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: See, you can't have a private [00:15:00] corporation. This is what I was doing. I was sitting watching this delegate vote back in 1999. I was watching this happening and I said, you know, you can't do this. You can't make law in a private. You know, organization, membership, organization, cuz each state board is a member.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And interestingly enough, we have now seen that in behind the scenes that these member medical boards, they're being held to account by the federation that they need to, they need to tow the line or they could get disciplined a amazingly, a medical board or council. Signs an agreement with a private 110 year organization that says basically we'll follow whatever the, whatever the delegates, whatever was voted in.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And if we don't, these are the terms that we can get disciplined. How about that? Wow. That's terrifying. I know. It's unbelievable. And well, it's not, it's not unbelievable to me. It's very believable. And that [00:16:00] we see We can't see behind the screen. Who's really paying who's, these guys are spending a million dollars a week.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Where's that money coming from? The medical councils? You know what? Their annual ME membership is about $10,000 a year. Now that's 10 times 70, that's 700,000. That's not even gonna get 'em through a week. Well, wow. Guess what else? They owned the Fed Federation. They owned the National Medical Boards. Oh, wow.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Oh yeah. So they, they, they have another group that administers it, but they basically own the testing for doctors. So what do you think, you think the testing is gonna be talking about herbs and natural remedies and things like that, or even medical school is gonna be teaching. How much, how much how much nutrition did you get in your four years of medical school, Sam?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Maybe an hour. An hour, that's what I got. An hour. It hasn't changed and I, and I graduated in 80. [00:17:00]
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Here's the pyramid. Eat food. That's about it.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It was terrible. It was so boring. And of course my pyramid was upside down. Now it's completely changed. So doctors don't know a darn thing about nutrition. From medical school, I, we all had to go and retrain ourselves.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: That's what my organization, a C A M, was all about, bringing doctors in, teaching 'em about physiology. Well, we knew physiology, but we didn't realize that how vitamin D fits into a pathway that is, is that feeds like 2000 reactions and that vitamin D, there's a receptor on every cell in the body for vitamin D.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And that all the studies now coming out showing that if people are taking on the average of about. Four to 5,000 IU a day that they're basically gonna, you know, they're just not gonna get sick. Well, well, don't you think we should be giving vitamin D to everybody? It's a pretty cheap solution. Yeah.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, because I mean, I, I, blood te in Florida, my clinics in Florida, you can't have more sun than Florida. And I [00:18:00] tested everybody, all my patients, and guess what, 85% were suboptimal. Wow. In Florida. Wow. Well, they're putting hats on the slapping thing, you know, sunscreen in here in New Zealand, we get, you know, they call it the land of the the, the big white cloud.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: That's what that's what new h r a s stands for. The point is that doctors are and you know, I, you know, I don't want to, I, I love what my profession, that's why I'm fighting so hard for it, because they decided that they were gonna bring this scam. Through our door which is now really becoming more and more obvious that this is, this is not about a virus.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: This is not about, this is about controlling people and, and getting people to, and they want to, and this World Health Organization to your, to your viewers out there, the most dangerous thing coming and I, I warned people a year and a half about this ago, about the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: That is right now actually last week being fine tuned[00:19:00] to be voted in by every country, by one guy. By the way, in our particular case, the Minister of Health, he gets to go to Geneva and sit in the same kind of booth, I guess, and push a button yay or nay on a plan, on a pandemic plan that says that the.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Countries agreed to turn over all control on the next pandemic or next emergency to the World Health Organization. Wow. That's, yeah, that's this, this is, they will be removing all sovereignty. They will be able to, they will be able to mandate inoculations, they will be able to actually do police enforcement in, in separate countries.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: This is this is the final. What is that?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Declaration and Constitution. Constitution,
Dr. Bruce Dooley: yep. Yeah, the Constitu. Well, now it's really interesting. United States because of the founding fathers and, and I'm, you know, my medical school is in [00:20:00] Philadelphia, right where the Liberty Bell is. And so, you know, I, I feel a real affinity to you know, to these young 56 men who were putting their lives on the line to go up against England.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: With this declaration. And, and basically they knew that they were signing their death, their death penalty, the death penalty, you know if, if it ever, if they lost, they would be dead, you know? And yet they also knew that they could had to restrict the power of this new country's federal government because it would go outta control.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So they gave the states equal power. You see governors and states right now, Ron DeSantis, I'm so proud in Florida of what he and La Poto his medical director are doing to uphold the, the power that was given to them in the Constitution. The, the globalists. The people that are behind this hate this idea.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: They, and, and they, and they're trying [00:21:00] like crazy to try to get around the constitution and this democratic Party that is, is, you know, with Biden at the head, is doing everything they can to, to crush any, any of that. So but what we're saying is the rest of the world is watching because some, some of the states right now, I think North Dakota, some of the are saying we're not gonna follow the World Health Pandemic Treaty if it's signed.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: We're just not gonna do it. Wow, that's interesting. So they're saying in effect, we're not gonna allow the federal government to sign for us cuz we are an independent, you know, we have our own right. Freedom of, of expression and freedom. Wow. Isn't that wonderful that now, you know, 200 some years later, these young founding fathers vision is actually being played out in real time?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's, it is. I mean, if I wasn't so busy, I would say if I was not in medicine, I'd be. Have a big bowl of popcorn and, and be watching this. Like it's a great movie going on, isn't it?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It is. And the [00:22:00] 10th Amendment really playing out in true fashion here.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I know. So but the, the, the, the the antithesis to of freedom in Medical Freedom is, is coming out of this, this very dark organization, the Federation of State Medical Boards.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And they they need to be exposed. They need to be well, they, they were there before any of the alphabet agencies, government agencies. Think about that. And in, interestingly enough, we just, I just got some information that one, they they coupled the federation coupled with a, another organization.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I don't know exactly the name, something Bo federal Board of Pharmacy. Okay. Guess when the Federal Board of Pharmacy, whatever the name is national Board of Pharmacy, when, what, what year do you think that was created? It was in 1913. 1904. 1904. 18 years before the Feder? Yeah. There was a national board of pharmacology [00:23:00] when, when Rockefeller and all these guys were trying to promote pharmaceuticals, which were going up against.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Excuse me, going up against homeopathy and some of the other natural cure cures and this, and, and they were being beaten by Homeopathist. The same doctors that went to same medical school. Some went over to homeopathy, studied with Samuel Hahnemann, and the other ones went with Allopathy, with Rockefeller and his pharmaceuticals, which were causing terrible side effects and still are.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Pharmaceuticals are still third beating cause of death in, in, in, and it have been every year. Wow. You know that, right? What pharmaceuticals are the third leading? The cardiac and cancer go back and forth between first and second pharmaceutical, as always is. And, and the medical treatment itself.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Iatrogenic, I love that word. Yeah. Iatrogenic. Yeah.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: I, I had a doctor look through some of my charts and, and gig me on [00:24:00] the fact that I got a patient off of their blood pressure medication and say, isn't that the goal? Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Isn't that as a primary care, as a family medicine physician, our, our goal is to get people off medications and, and make them to where they don't need them.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: No goal? Yeah. No. Your goal doctor. Okay. Your goal, this is what we trained you for. You have one hour of nutrition. We're gonna say that you got nutrition, but you're gonna have a whole year of pharmaceutical in medical school, the whole year of pharmaceutical, right? That's what you had. Well, yeah. Something like that.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Right Year. I dont know what it's anymore,
Dr Sam Sigoloff: but I had whole year, it was done every year, whole year. Year. Every year for four years.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Okay. Yeah. So, so your job doctor, white coat and very respected Doctor I. Is to go out there and sell those drugs for us. That's right. You just, you just be a good drug pusher and then, and, and we won't bother you, you know?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Oh, you're gonna take, you're gonna start using natural things. You're gonna start using [00:25:00] non patentable. You safe, effective, but, and you know, by the way, everything that, that doctors in, in integrative medicine use most everything. If you go into Google Scholar where the, all of the, you know, the real stuff is you can find thousands of articles.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's just that you know, pharmaceutical companies are not going to be funding it. So I, I'll tell you what yeah, I, my goal is to get people off of prescription medications. That's why I'm not like, And why? Because it's just a leading cause of, of death and all of these side effects. So why would I not want to choose something that I, that has been proven to be effective, say I don't know say vitamin D for a person who's constantly getting sick, rather than throwing antibiotics and wiping out their microbiome, which then sets them into autoimmune disease.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And, you know, you have to use more, more drugs for that. The truth is, as it's hard to say, it's [00:26:00] sometimes hard to say, is that we have been inculcated into a disease care system. Yes. That feeds off of disease. Yes. That feeds off of illness. If I, you know, I, I, I've, I've stood in front of thousands of people and gave talks and I, and I said to them, and this is, you know, If I was a magician right now, folks, and I waved my hand over the, over this crowd and I said, not one of you is going to get sick again until you're, you know, until you, until you die at a nice old ripe age of 85 in bed, you're gonna be healthy et cetera.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I would, I wouldn't probably live much longer if I could actually do that because, None of those people then would enter into the, the pharmaceutical, medical, industrial complex, would they? They, they would be outside. I all of a sudden I would be like taking profits out. It's hard to, it's hard to say that, but it's true.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Absolutely. And that's why prevention. You weren't taught in medical [00:27:00] school, rural prevention. You were taught about vaccines. Yeah, that's not prevention, really my estimation. Yeah, it's harm and you know, Hippocrates, the oath, I hope they're still given the oath, but Hippocrates said, Hippocrates said, let medicine be like food and food be like medicine.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Yeah. Yes. Well, if you get one hour of an upside down triangle, that ain't, that's not following hip Hippocrates very well, is it?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: No. And when I first stumbled across nutrition and started going down that road, I was literally walking in a cloud dazed and confused for a month cuz it flipped everything on its head.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It flipped that triangle right upside down.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Yeah. And it's like, oh wow. Yeah. My mom, my mom, God bless her is gone. My, my but she You know, she was she was sucking down diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, thinking that she was you know, low fat, everything, just low fat. And, you know, low fat means just the opposite.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: You're gonna get fat if you eat anything. High sugar, low fat. Yeah. Well, high in sugar is high in carbohydrates, [00:28:00] simple carbs. And, and they're gonna blow up your your insulin curve. And they're going to, and they're gonna create diabetes. If, you know, you're sitting there stuffing bread and, and all the cheap stuff that you can get in processed food, which sadly is really where things are going as the economy, as they've been able to suck all of the ju all the middle class money out and put it in their coffers.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: More and more people are finding, you know, I just read the last night that the that there's 42% of people are in a And, and really in the United States are in a, in a food what's it called? Scarcity type of a situation. They, they're, it's a food desert. Food. What? Food desert is that?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Not desert. I know the word, but it's, it basically means that they're, they're hungry. Mm-hmm. Food deprivation. Food, food shortage. So they're going, they're going into the supermarkets now, and they're, and they're not buying. The expensive, fresh vegetables, but they're buying the cheaper processed [00:29:00] food just to fill their bellies.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And that's, that's really leading to more obesity, more morbidity. It's a tsunami of obesity as you well know in and it's actually happening here in New Zealand. I, I moved to New Zealand in 1996 back and forth. Actually, I still, I kept my clinics running. So it's been a, it's been fun to to, you know, get this information out and to meet doctors like you who are, are really pushing the, the, you know, for the truth to get out.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And, and this is what we need to do. We, we are up against a a controlled corporate media that is ref refusing. In fact, I, I. They're refusing to show the death and disabilities that are happening from this vaccine, cuz not a vaccine but purported vaccine. And they are not, they're not talking to, they're not talking about any of the alternatives.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: In fact, they're, they're denigrating them. And we, we are, the [00:30:00] only thing that's left is this kind of alternative media to get the message out to, particularly the younger people if they're watching to make them. You know, I, I'm, I, I think, you know, have you found that there's a kind of a complacency in, in the younger people that they're just kind of, they don't want to, they don't want to get their hands messed up in this, or, or are they active?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Are they actually mad and, and wanna fight back? What's what, what do you hear on the ground there?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Most people that I've run into, you know, they've been on on a particular side, same, same as we are, and they're getting upset. They're, you know, they're, they're upset with what's happened to children. They're upset with the lies they've been told.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But then to contrast that with a guy who's, who's a doctor just a little bit older than me maybe about 10 years older or so, he said, oh, if this was a, a gene therapy, there'd be people dying of cancer everywhere. Dude. What world are you living in? Like, open your eyes.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Yes. They are dying of cancer everywhere.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I had a friend of mine who's a nurse. Her her husband [00:31:00] fit, 70 year old guy gold miner, back up the hills here, never smoked. Got triple or quadruple full believer. And last week started coughing up blood. Oh my goodness. And. Got him into a CT scan straightaway. He's got stage four metastatic lung cancer.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Now, you know, I've been around 40 years to practice the medicine. Non-smoker go from hemoptysis coughing up blood to a stage four spread around your body. That's called turbo cancer. Yeah, that's called the cancer that comes out of nowhere for no, and, and spread So. That's, and, and so I think that because New Zealand only's got 5 million people, we're, we're seeing the, the, the Normies as they call 'em, the people in the middle who, you know, have just have bought, bought the hook, line and sinker the government [00:32:00] funded story.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: They are starting to wake up a little bit. They're like, you know, people are, you know, dropping dead left and right, and they're getting all these injured and even themselves, they come in th they're not a big subset of my, my patient population, but they're coming in and saying, you know, I've just not been feeling like I've had any energy.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: My, I can't think I've got brain fog. They've got all of these you know, I'm used to dealing with these kind of symptomatologies prior to you know, the shot. But now it's becoming so clear and yet interestingly enough, if I'm to, as a doctor allowed if I stood up and said, well, you had, you know, that's because you, you got the, the jab.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well then next thing I know, there'd be a, there'd be a ring on my phone from the medical counsel saying, what are you doing? Telling people that you can't prove that, you know? Yeah. Well they were fine before it and they weren't fine after. That's right. And it's like happening everywhere. And the cancers are [00:33:00] Well, so get this, I wanna finish this story because it, it, it was in line with what you said.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So this fella with the cancer, Had a meeting, just what is Friday, Monday with the local oncologist, the cancer doctor in the nearby town that we have. So he's, he's there, you know, telling him the chemotherapy and all this kinda stuff, you know, and hardly ever, you know, as I see it, hardly ever, even looking at, at, at either of them, you know, just going on, droning on.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: But then he turns to this fellow, His name is Paul and he says, Paul, he said, now you have to protect your immune system because you know you're in a delicate spot. You have to get a booster. My, you have to go, oh my goodness. You have to make sure you keep your boosters up to date.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: I would shake him if I was sitting there with him.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Like, what are you talking about?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I mean, I'm glad I wasn't because I, I would be an assault and battery and yet I can't [00:34:00] turn this oncologist into the medical counsel for mal malpractice and for, you know, harm because Yeah. Are you kidding me? Dis information another, and you know what, not a talk about, you know, changing his diet or any of that kinda stuff, just.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Get your, keep your shots going in that dot, you'll be safe. Well, this is this is monstrous. Really. It's monstrous.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, I mean, just the term Turbo cancer, you used it, I heard it from, from a pastor once who he unfortunately got, he was, he was happy to say that he was the first one to get a shot in this local area and, and then he had beat cancer many years ago, and then all of a sudden he shows up with what he coined as turbo cancer.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And it's like, you hear that everywhere now.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, actually, it's, it, you see a lot more relapses. You're right. This was de novo. This was actually, I mean, outta nowhere. Yeah. For a guy didn't smoke. Yeah. But the relapsing ones are, are really common. I mean, they're everywhere. And I, I tell people [00:35:00] who, you know, have been coerced I mean, you know, there's an awful lot of people who didn't want to get this you know, this experimental jab.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Right. And, but they had to, to keep their job right. And to me, that co that coercion forced, it was a force basically. Now a lot of them are regretting it like crazy and they wanna do, particularly if they've had a, a, you know, cancer in the past. They wanna, they, they've come to us. We have a very interesting organization here.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's New Zealand Docs, s o s, speaking on science. NZ nz D sos dot at org. We banded together maybe 200 doctors early on, back in early 2021. So this organization has been standing up against the the medical counsels and the, and the government saying, you know, you know, this is, this is wrong.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: This is absolutely wrong. And you know, [00:36:00] thank God we are, I think we're prevailing. I think we're, we're getting the, the, the, the, the momentum is, is swinging because the, the media can't keep, can no longer keep the lid on this stuff. I mean, they were being paid. The government of United of New Zealand spent, we know 55 million gave to the, to, to the news outlets.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Okay.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It's a country of 5 million people, you said?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Yep. 55 million. Was handed out. Handed out, and as I understand from you know, the, one of the top politicians that that, that we have in the country, in an interview he did that, he said that this was contingent. Money, it was like a loan if they didn't kind of follow the narrative.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So all of the, you know, all of our media down here except the ones that [00:37:00] we created ourselves, which now, excuse me, voices for Freedom is one. We also have a reality check radio. We have reality radio, reality check radio. So this is where real information is coming out. They're interviewing people.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Doctors like me, they're interviewing farmers who are being hit up for carbon. I mean, down here, this is how bad it's gotten because we're getting attacked by many, many sides. Medicine's one of them. But the other one is this carbon credit. Stuff that basically is really dangerous because they're taxing Cal farts down here.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: They are literally for the last two years there's been a campaign to tax the farmers because their cows are farting methane. And that's, that's the, that's gonna cause global warming. So, so,
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, so you don't know this yet cuz it, it, it's coming out this weekend, but by the time this episode comes out, it'll be out.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: I did an episode [00:38:00] with recently getting out major in the Army and. He's doing regenerative farming. He calls it operation regen. And it's all about using the land and using, you know, understanding how the land works to make it more green, to sequester carbon, to put it in the soil, to make the plants grow more so that you can have better meat.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: And the whole point is to have better meat.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's, it's, yeah, it's all about the soil. And, and, and and, and instead of killing the soil, you, you should make the soil stronger. And, and, and then whatever grows in that soil is gonna make you stronger and, and or the animals stronger, et cetera. Luckily here in New Zealand, still, knock on wood, all of our meat is grass fed.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And they, we don't have livestock, you know, yards and things like that. But I'll tell you people need to really if they're not doing it for themselves, do it for their children. Because we need to, we need to turn this, this monster that is, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's infiltrated or [00:39:00] captured so many organizations, I think the CDC d and the Fd f FDA are.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Or without that, they're captured. Okay. The things that they have done that are run neg, run anti hu human health and really caring for the people and more for, you know, you know, sweeping it. This fda allowed this experimental mRNA in it was complicit in the suppression of the Of the Ivermectin that the first letter that went out that I got was from an f d a telling the Federation, we have this, this letter that the concerns they have about ivermectin being dispensed for Covid.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: This is, it's safer than Tylenol. What, what
Dr Sam Sigoloff: could be the problem?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Right?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, the problem is, as you know, that you can't get an emergency use authorization. Right. If there's something that works. Right, and it's cheap. [00:40:00] It's been around for 40 years. Billions of doses have been given. There can't be anything that has more.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Safety profile than Ivermectin. And this is, this was, they had to get this out of the way. They had to, they had to get that hydroxychloroquine out of the way. And this is what Kennedy shows in chapter one, which is very well, well worth the $3 if you're not only gonna read one chapter. I mean, it goes on to where aids, H I v and all that whole thing with Fauci.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: We're talking about a guy. Who is a very oh, I hope, I, I really hope that, I really hope that, that that justice is, you know, finds a way to take these people who have hurt and killed so many people,
Dr. Bruce Dooley: If not in this life, knowing he will pay in the, the, the time to come there. There's no way to
Dr. Bruce Dooley: escape that.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Well, they're gonna answer their maker. I mean, at least, at least [00:41:00] that's gonna be you know, my wife is Russian and and it's been interesting to see that we can't see any, we, we can't see any of these injuries happening in from the Sputnik at all. The Sputnik vaccine that was quickly made in Russia and, and, and dis distributed doesn't seem to have had any, and it's not an mRNA at all.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's, it's, it was done like a true vaccine ma made, like the true vaccines are made. So we're seeing, we're seeing that this, but this doesn't make it out. And, and the other thing is that I, I gave, you know, I gave testimony in, in my case, I. To Uter Prash, UTA Prash is a is a a state in India that's run by a holy man.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: He, he's, he can't, he can't, he cannot be bought. And it's 200 million people. That's how many times? That's 40 times more. That's 40 times our population. 200 million. [00:42:00] And if you take a look at what happened when, when Covid started hitting, they dispensed Ivermectin. They had, they had all of these healthcare workers going out and dispensing ivermectin and, and, and zithromycin antibiotic.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And the, the curve of death. The death curve, literally, Sam went straight down. It was, and it went to zero. Wow. 200 million people. Zero deaths.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: But, but doctor, where are your randomized controlled studies? Where are your.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Right this, and it was completely about this suppressed in the media. This is how, this is how powerful the guys that own the media are.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Wow. That they can do this. The World Health Organization, which is private and you know it, believe it or not, the World Health Organization, if you type into Google Earth, guys, go find the address to World Health Organization's international headquarters in Geneva, the street address. [00:43:00] Put it in Google Earth, hit the button, and you zoom over to this.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Big building three story building overlooking Lake Geneva, and then in your, in your search B bar. While, while you're there looking at the federa looking at the world Health Organization type into the into the Bar Rothschild palace Geneva, and it creeps over 500 meters, 500 meters. From where the World Health Organization building is.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Is is the Rothschild. It's on their property. The World Health Organization is on the Rothschild property. Wow. There it is. You heard it here the first time. Folks just go to Google there. They can't escape that. It's right there. So you go, okay. So Rothchild is leasing the land to the World Health Organization.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: We're giving it to them, not even that, is there any connection there?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, access, they got access to [00:44:00] get whatever they want.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Yeah. Yeah. They own it. They own, they own it. And you know I, I I'm gonna tell you right now, I, I think that you know, they're, they're masters of deception Masters. They've been doing this a long time.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So they put people up in front of them like Bill Gates. And, and then he takes all the heat. Oh, bill Gates, you know, he's the, he's the number one donator to the world Health. He is, he's the, he's the number one donator above all the other countries to the World Health Organization. Bill Gates, the vaccine guy.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Wow. Well, guess what? Is it his money or is it coming from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation money that right. You know, that is, you know, the donors are not known. So there you have it. God bless you. Thank you. Well, we've had a tour to force here. I don't even know what time it is, but
Dr Sam Sigoloff: we've been going for 47 minutes.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's nine 30 in New Zealand, and so it's probably what, four 30 there or something?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: 2, 2 30. [00:45:00]
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Two 30 the day before. The day before. We're, we're always, we're always seeing the future guys. Yeah. We're always out here checking out the future. It's great to talk to you in the future life here. Yeah. I'd love to have you down here one time sometime if you got a chance.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It's amazing country if we just get this if we just get the, the Kiwis to rise up a little bit. It's been very disappointing to see how they've been they've been buffaloed by this whole thing and So we'll see. It's,
Dr Sam Sigoloff: do y'all have the same, do have y'all had the same thing happen to y'all as in Australia where they rounded up all the firearms?
Dr. Bruce Dooley: No. Let's, at least they have that going for. We, we, we, but we, but we have a very strict firearms control system here. But no, they haven't rounded up the firearms. I don't, I don't aus, you know, Australia is is, is, is what, what happened in Australia. I, I don't know if it really made the news there, but was beyond anybody's accounting about really [00:46:00] totalitarian control issues came down so hard, so fast.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: It was, it made everybody's head spin really, and we were right behind it. Of course, we, you know, had the, we had the. This this Prime Minister Jacinda, who fooled everybody. She's a, you know, she's a disciple of Kyle Schwab. And you know, along with, you know, interestingly along with some other leaders, like the Canadian guy Trudeau, they all went to the same they all graduated from the same world Economic Forum school.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I dunno if you know that.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: I haven't heard, heard that. I believe some of our other politicians have, have done that too.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: We, we had this you know, I had my ma be be, before I got my md I got my master's in immunology. So, you know, I studied the immune system for two years intensively. So this whole thing about locking down everybody and masks and all this kinda stuff was not from the very get go.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: I was like, what, what is going on here? I mean, a lot of us were doing that and that's why we [00:47:00] sounded the alarm and started this organization. So, New Zealand Docs. Sos. Anyway. Well, what else? Thank you, sir. Else? Can you, what else can you say?
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, I just, I wanna be respectful of your time. I know you got clinic today.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: It's, it's a, you're already a day ahead. I'm a buck short over here.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Hey, listen, really good. Good luck with you. What? I know you can't tell the audience or myself what happened. I, I do want everybody to focus a little bit on what Meryl Nass is doing in Mi Maine. She she's been supported by the Children Health Defense with Ms.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: Robert Kennedys. She just had her final day, I guess two days ago. And so we're standing by because it could be the shot that heard around the world. So they attacked her for ivermectin hydroxychloroquine and for basically speaking out and, and telling what we felt to be a reasonable thing.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So be on, be everybody. Be on guard about this misinformation, disinformation. I mean, they, they flipped it on its head. The misinformation disinformation is coming from the media. It's not [00:48:00] coming from the, from us. And and yet they're using it as a bludgeon around the world. And we have to, we have to just be sensitive to it.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: So that's my. That's my thought for the day. Everybody have a wonderful weekend.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I think you're absolutely right that if, if you think if something is wrong, well you should listen to it to find out where it's wrong, and then the sunlight is the best disinfectant and it will show whether it's a foolish idea or a wise idea.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And if you hear anybody who would I just hear this? Oh, Michael, Michael Yen speaking on the album in London just the other day. An impassioned speech. It was really unbelievable. But he's, you know, and he was the Pfizer, he was a big guy for 30 years in Pfizer, and Michael Yin was pleading with people, you know, don't let them inject your children, don't let them.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: And then he said at the end, he said, if you hear anybody. Use these two words together. Know that he's, he's false and don't believe, don't ever believe the science. Mm. He [00:49:00] said there is no such thing as the science. Science is always changing. It's always a debate. It has to be allowed to be debated. And being shutting down and saying that's not the science is immediately a cue.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: That what you're getting fed is is the. Standard line that is supposed to be shouted across the world for the money and interest, if you will.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Okay. Thank you, sir. I truly appreciate thank, thank you for reaching out to me and, and God bless you. Have a great day.
Dr. Bruce Dooley: You too. Cheers, mate.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there due to uniform of the day, the full armor of God, let's all make courage more contagious than fear.[00:50:00]
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