Deep Diving the Fed's Killer Whale Crisis

1 year ago

Having stood alone in predicting the 2023 banking crisis three weeks in advance, @ BestEvidence in the present video turns to the question of causes. Over the course of some 71 minutes, “Deep Diving the Fed’s Killer Whale Crisis” proves beyond any doubt that the Federal Reserve is to blame for this crisis and is very likely controlling it even now, while this so-called “regional banking crisis” (quite easily the dumbest name ever for a financial event) is in apparent remission.

Among many other points made in the video...
-This is a liquidity crisis, not a solvency crisis
-when just a handful of said massive deposits leave a bank, the bank gets killed, hence the name of this video
-The Fed created those bank deposits and has admitted as much (cue the chorus of feces-throwing monkeys in the financial services industry to try and screech away the Fed’s own admission on this point)
-Under the Fed’s asset purchases, the average household checking account of the top 0.1% wealthy households grew from $565,000 in 1Q2020 to $5 million in 1Q2022; this is the locus of killer whale deposits

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