Deep Diving the Fed's Killer Whale Crisis

1 year ago

00:00 Intro - the “regional banking crisis” label is deceptive and laughable
02:13 Solvency vs. liquidity
04:55 Visual depiction of a liquidity crisis
10:30 1st way bank liquidity (deposits) is created: bank loans
11:51 2nd way bank liquidity (deposits) is created: Fed asset purchases from non-banks
16:17 This crisis—a liquidity crisis—is caused by the Fed’s creation of whale deposits
17:15 Senate hearing confirms: whale deposits killed Silicon Valley Bank
20:46 Killer whale deposits, not apps, caused this banking crisis
23:05 Forensic evidence proves Fed created whale deposits
27:39 Shills who say the Fed can’t create bank deposits are lying
29:40 How the Fed passed trillions of dollars to the whales
32:51 The Fed passed money to legal entities, which in turn passed it to whales
37:35 Pandemic QE was designed to produce whale accounts
39:43 The Fed lied when it said Pandemic QE was for “price stability”
41:45 Why were whale accounts maintained for years if not to become killers?
43:00 Whale accounts are maintained by criminals
46:13 Red Flag Test #1 for banks
53:07 Presenting the BestEvidence spreadsheet of $100 billion banks
55:53 Red Flag Test #2 for banks
1:03:35 This crisis is nudging the U.S. closer to CBDC
1:06:06 The names of the Fed’s killer whales are a big secret—for now
1:07:15 Congress could get to bottom of this crisis in 30 days if it wanted to
1:09:13 How you can help BestEvidence

This video was originally gonna be called, “The 2023 banking crisis would rank as the most obvious crime scene of all time if pretty much the entire financial services industry didn’t have its head up its A$$ about Pandemic QE,” but that title didn’t test well in focus groups.

Alas, and from the top…

Having stood alone in predicting the 2023 banking crisis three weeks in advance, BestEvidence in the present video turns to the question of causes. Over the course of some 71 minutes, “Deep Diving the Fed’s Killer Whale Crisis” proves beyond any doubt that the Federal Reserve is to blame for this crisis and is very likely controlling it even now, while this so-called “regional banking crisis” (quite easily the dumbest name ever for a financial event) is in apparent remission.

It’s highly unlikely you’ll ever stumble across any of the following truths about the crisis in the Wall Street Journal or any other outlet of any significant reach.

-This is a liquidity crisis, not a solvency crisis

-The liquidity in question that is driving this crisis sits in massive bank deposits in the household sector of the economy, not in the other sectors

-when just a handful of said massive deposits leave a bank, the bank gets killed, hence the name of this video

-The Fed created those bank deposits and has admitted as much (cue the chorus of feces-throwing monkeys in the financial services industry to try and screech away the Fed’s own admission on this point)

-The Fed created those bank deposits by buying assets from non-banks, and thus congress should demand a complete list of asset purchases made by the Fed starting March 2020

-The Fed lied through its teeth when it said those assets purchases were made for purposes of “price stability”

-Under the Fed’s asset purchases, the average household checking account of the top 0.1% wealthy households grew from $565,000 in 1Q2020 to $5 million in 1Q2022; this is the locus of killer whale deposits

-All three dead banks so far (Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, First Republic) exhibited 2 fatal distress signals shortly before they died—both of which distress signals can be tested for with respect to banks that have not yet been taken down by killer whales

All that and so much more…



(01) Debt by Design: Banking Facts and Fallacies (2017), by Joshua Maree; available as pdf at

(02) "Understanding Bank Deposit Growth during the COVID-19 Pandemic," June 3, 2022, by Andrew Castro, Michele Cavallo and Rebecca Zarutskie; see

(03) "Fed Admits Crony Truth About Pandemic QE: 'it creates new bank deposits,'” Sept. 5, 2022, by John Titus; see

(04) "Senate Banking Committee hearing on the collapse of SVB and Signature Bank," March 28, 2023, at 45:26:

(05) Checkable Deposits And Currency Held by the Top 0.1% (99.9th to 100th Wealth Percentiles); see

(06) Total Households; see

(07) Barfly (1987); see

(08) Households; Checkable Deposits and Currency; Asset, Level; see

(09) "Federal Reserve Actions to Support the Flow of Credit to Households and Businesses," Mar. 15, 2020; see; see also "Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement," Mar. 15, 2020 (" foster maximum employment and price stability...." the FOMC "will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $500 billion and its holdings of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $200 billion."); see

(10) JPMadoff: The Unholy Alliance between America's Biggest Bank and America's Biggest Crook (2015), by Helen Davis Chaitman and Lance Gotthoffer.

(11) U.S. Money vs. Corporation Currency: "Aldrich Plan," Wall Street Confessions!, Great Bank Combine (1912), by Alfred Owen Crozier.

(12) (RED FLAG TEST NO. 1)


(14) (RED FLAG TEST NO. 2)

(15) To help BestEvidence per 1:09:35, or just to send a hello postcard…

John Titus
9660 Falls of the Neuse Rd.
Suite 138, No. 241
Raleigh, NC 27615

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