No more #MarioKartTour livestreams...unless you can help

1 year ago

I've been Livestreaming Mario Kart Tour mobile since day 1 which is now 3 years ago and my phone is now completely screwed so I can't do my 3 plus hours of Mario Kart Tour daily streaming can you please donate to my @GoFundMe page as I would greatly appreciate it I've got over 500 Mario stream videos at my YOUTUBE channel ID you want to see proof and if you do play Mario kart and donate please let me know as I will put you in my 50 friends list for life for Mario Kart Tour mobile, my previous phone was a Samsung a12 and I'd like to get an Samsung à13 roughly upto $300 as the Samsung a12 is only 4G and I'd like to get a 5G so once again I appreciate your help and if not have a great one and come see me on @Twich aswell @Simply_Redman, hopefully the link below works if not go to @GoFundMe Simply Redman or Craig Clark you can also find me on Twitter #Simply_RedmanYT

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