BiafraRGIE update PM - I am deeply concerned about the Family of our leader

1 year ago

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BRGIE @BiafraRGIE update
When I exposed treacherous Ejiofor as the eye of the Nigeria gov. in IPOB, a lot of people didn’t understand it. But today they are seeing it. I am deeply concerned about the Family of our leader, especially the siblings who were deceived by Ejiofor and expelled criminals, only for them to now understand that Ejiofor was the mole by the latest development. Him and the expelled criminals has been the engine house of Nigeria government in the kidnap of MNK.
Myself and Autopilot has restored the faith of MNK in Biafra.
Ejiofor is no longer visiting MNK but want those visiting him to give him information about our leader, So he can sabotage it.

I just Listened to the audio message of one of Onyendu sister and i can deeply feel her pain. Please, tell her to stand strong, i am with them in this fight till the end. I am here to make sure the enemies are disfigured, destroyed and MNK will be safe and freed at the end.
I am not the enemy, but the good guy. My loyalty is to MNK and the Biafra people.
I write this with heavy heart ♥️


We're Indigenous People of Biafra struggling for our freedom from the eastern part of Zoogeria [aka Nigeria] - West Africa. We are known as Biafra, the Jews origin of lost tribe of Israel. Our battle cry came as a result of been marginalized by foreign Fulani Janjaweed migrated. The battle is a fight to refuse to be relegated to the background by low profile corrupt political class. We aimed to stop them before they stop us henceforth. The name of our leader is Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

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