Newt Gingrich on Mornings with Maria | October 13, 2020

4 years ago

Newt talks with Maria Bartiromo about how Democrats are approaching the Supreme Court vacancy and Amy Coney Barrett hearings.



Well Callista and I sat and watched like true nerds. We listened to senator after senator, it was interesting. The Democrats have a problem – which I thought Ted Cruz did a great job of explaining, that they can't attack her. You know she is a mother of seven kids, she was a first-rate professor at Notre Dame, has been a great appeals court judge, she worked under two great judges. So, since they can't attack her, in the culture of their party, they can't be mansplaining to some woman. They danced all around it. They attacked Trump, they attacked abortion, they attacked the health system. They were very well trained; They all showed up with a picture of a constituent who had a precondition, so they all had their rote memory underway. But in terms of the question will Amy Coney Barrett end up on the Supreme Court as a justice, I thought yesterday a huge stepping toward getting her there. I thought Lindsey Graham did a good job of maintaining a balanced, calm demeanor that made this so much different from the Kavanaugh hearings.

You know, P.T. Barnum used to say, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” and the Democratic party’s basic audience is that person. Klobuchar hopes that if she looks emotional, she looks like she’s on the edge of tears, she communicates with great empathy then that means she automatically does fine. She’s actually a smart lawyer, was a very aggressive prosecutor and knows what she is doing exactly. She is playing a role. And the fact is, if Pelosi would be willing to work something out this morning, she and Mnuchin I think could have a deal over to Mitch McConnell by this afternoon, and could probably have it signed by the weekend. So the fact is, Pelosi has deliberately held out for every single penny including paying off the big states that have big Democratic unions that have grossly overspent themselves. She just doesn’t want to give in.

It is the first time that I have seen the reporters actually pushing him, and I think they are going to keep pushing him. He has a huge problem –though I must say, I was encouraged when he indicated he was running for the Senate. I thought you know that might be a job he could actually do since he couldn't possibly fill office of president. That was this week’s contribution to confusion, that and the fact he couldn't remember Mitt Romney's name and referred to that “Mormon governor guy.” The fact is that Biden's base wants to pack the court, a third of the country. The rest of the country, two-thirds of Americans, are deeply opposed to packing the court. So, Biden is doing this dance, and as pressure is building going to show more like he did yesterday saying “I really don't like the idea” but he can't come down hard and say “I would oppose it” because the Democratic left faced with 40 years of Trump's justices is desperate to pack the court.

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