Newt Gingrich | Fox New's Ingraham Angle | February 08, 2024

7 months ago


He couldn't remember what year he was vice president. He couldn't remember what year his son died. You can just go down the list and it makes you feel sad and it makes you wonder how his family could allow him to be this publicly humiliated. So I have no idea what he's going to say at 7:45 at one level, and it won't happen. You can imagine him saying, you know, I read the report and he's right and I can't really be president, so I'm resigning. And Kamala Harris will be the new president. That has its own set of problems and is the best argument against the 25th Amendment. But I read this report today and I'm now increasingly convinced he will not be the Democratic nominee. The party will rebel and will figure out you can't possibly ask the country to give four more years to a person who his own Justice Department says is mentally so incompetent that it wouldn't be fair to try him because he couldn't possibly know what he was doing. That's the essence of what they're saying. Well, if that's true, how can it be commander in chief? How can they be dealing with Iran or Russia or China? I think this is a big, big problem and should be a serious national debate.


Which, by the way, Hunter Biden was working on. Look, I said as soon as I read this, I said, they don't prosecute Hillary Clinton. They don't prosecute Joe Biden. They should drop the case against Donald Trump. I mean, how can the attorney general justify a case against Trump for doing less than what Biden did over a shorter period of time. And the truth is that Trump, in fact, offered to cooperate. The FBI came and visited and called a couple days later and said, would you put an extra lock on the door? I mean, this makes the Justice Department look even more totally outside the law. And I think the attorney general has a real challenge now. I, I want to hear his explanation for how they avoided Hillary Clinton after deleting 33,000 emails and physically destroying her computer. And now they're going to avoid Biden. And remember, Biden's ghostwriter destroyed the audiotapes that they had made once he learned there was a special prosecutor. So when you talk about obstruction, they certainly were engaged in obstruction. And I don't understand how any reasonable person can think that it's okay to ignore Hillary. It's okay to ignore Joe Biden. But now this Donald Trump problem that's real. I think it puts the entire Justice Department process totally in disrepute unless the attorney general says we have to apply the same standard to Trump that we've applied to these two Democrats and therefore, the case is dismissed.


Yeah, look, I think people have to understand the president of the United States has a military officer with him at all times carrying the briefcase, which has the nuclear codes to launch weapons and potentially create World War III in a matter of minutes. And we're now told we have a president who literally is so cognitively impaired based on his own Justice Department that he can't be tried because no jury would think he was capable of doing something deliberately. I mean, if you read the actual language and it's all available, all public information, if you read the actual language of the report.


A reasonable person can look at that. It raise the question, would it be less of a risk for America to have Kamala Harris as bad as she is, to have Kamala in charge because she's at least aware she's at least here.


Well, let me take this to a slightly different level and closer to where I think Victor Davis Hanson was. This isn't political. The president of the United States, the man who could create a nuclear war, has been declared by his own Justice Department to be mentally incompetent. Remember, their argument for not trying him is that no jury would believe that this pathetic aging person who has no memory could have done anything deliberately. Now I find that terrifying. I mean, if we literally tonight have a president on stage who is that incompetent? This is the worst thing since Woodrow Wilson had a stroke and for a year, his wife ran the White House with nobody realizing he was totally incapacitated. We now are being told publicly by the Justice Department that Biden is, for all practical purposes, incapacitated. And this is the man who could start a nuclear war. I think it is the most sobering thing I can think of, frankly, in American history. This is a huge crisis and it's way beyond politics. It's about the very survival of the United States.


North Korea probably has enough nuclear weapons now, and they are increasingly belligerent and increasingly leaning towards attacking South Korea. So add all of these things up and then just say this to yourself in every major capital, the intelligence officers tomorrow morning are going to walk into their leader and say, here is what the American Justice Department has told us about the president of the United States. He is mentally incompetent. I find that as sobering as anything I have seen, including in the entire Cold War. This is a really dangerous moment for America.


I think we're very close to it. If, in fact, he continues to decay and I think this speech is really important in trying to assess, you know, what, what is he going to try to communicate to the country tonight? And my hunch is that nobody in the White House quite gets the devastating nature of the way in which he was dismissed by the special counsel as being literally incapable.

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