Newt Gingrich | Fox News Channel's Hannity | September 13, 2022

2 years ago


My five points, which I'll get to, are all within the framework of Kevin McCarthy and the House Republican’s Commitment to America. I mean, the contrast between a Biden Democrat, who can't solve anything, so they offer us hate and divisiveness. And what the House Republicans are doing and what I hope frankly the Senate Republicans will pick up on and follow is to offer a series of very specific proposals. Many more frankly than we had in the contract, and I tried to summarize that into five big areas because I think if we can stay on the big issues, we're going to have an amazing election this fall. The first is inflation and of course the numbers this week, remember, it's not just general inflation. Food prices are up 13% year over year. Every family that goes to the grocery store knows it's more and more expensive and fewer and fewer choices, smaller packages. It’s a nightmare it hits the poor, and it hits retirees. Second is the whole question of crime. You mentioned Fetterman who likes to release murderers and has two convicted murderers on his payroll. Philadelphia has the highest murder rate in its history. Atlanta has a higher crime rate per capita than Chicago and Warnock, the Democrat is not going to be able to explain it just like Fetterman will be weighed down by his pro criminal position. Third is the border. Look at Mark Kelly who on the same day within 12 hours voted against a Rick Scott amendment to hire 13,000 border patrol and then voted for the Biden position of 87,000 new IRS agents so you're sitting in Arizona with about 400,000 new illegal immigrants, and your senator can't vote for more border patrol but can vote to have you audited. I think Kelly is going to go down just based on that. Fourth, for parents and generally grandparents and relatives, parents ought to have the right to know what is being taught their kids. Which the teacher's union and left-wing crazies are bitterly opposed to. Is a 84% issue and every Republican ought to be willing to campaign on and it'll make a very big difference and finally we have to talk about totally overhauling the Pentagon and intelligence community. There's a very real chance today that if we ended up in a big war with China, we'd lose it and lose it very fast and the current Pentagon's too bureaucratic, too corrupt in its lobbying relationships and accepts too much incompetence and efficiency and this is going to be a major American crisis. That's the framework I'd set for the campaign.


What I would say to every reporter is let me tell you about the price of food. Let me tell you about the price of living. Let me tell you about the local crime rate --


My answer, my answer to that is that's an important Washington issue but right here at home what matters is the crime rate that's threatening our citizens, the rising cost of food that's threatening every person in our district the fact that we don't know what's happening in our schools and the parents ought to know that.


That’s totally untrue and that’s not what they did and I’m sorry you buy that kind of falsehood. But lets go back to what really matters to every woman in America which starts with what they're paying at the grocery store right now.

We had several choices, and the others weren't available. What can I tell you, you were it.


Actually, my two daughters wanted you. So, I had to do it for them.

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