Article Video - The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- And Why It Matters Right Now By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- And Why It Matters Right Now - Friday, May 26, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

People give value to money by being willing (or forced by Legal Tender Laws) to trade actual goods (commodities) and services for the money token, whatever the money token (or commercial paper) is.

Remember that token money is physical and has value in and of itself-- for example, a gold coin.

Paper certificates representing gold or silver stored in a warehouse is not actual token money, but represents the lawful claim to a certain amount of the underlying warehoused commodity, should you choose to present your claim to the warehouse (treasury) and receive the commensurate amount of gold, silver, platinum, etc.

Most people in America can remember using Silver Certificates or have at least seen Silver Certificates.

Fiat money takes this abstraction a step further and presumes the existence of a legal claim to something of value that is unspecified. It might represent labor or barrels of oil or...... a debt....represented as "the good faith and credit of Congress".

The idea that debt has value is not new. It is at least as old as the concept of negative numbers.

So now we get to the so-called "monetization of debt" --- which is merely assigning a value to a debt in some certain form of actual token money.

First, let's understand the concept of assigning value to token money:

If I have a bushel of apples and I trade it for a silver dollar, I have just given (assigned) the silver dollar the "value" of a bushel of apples and vice versa.

When we trade physical assets, we always establish values in this way, regardless of local market fluctuations. The same bushel of apples might fetch two silver dollars in some markets or half a dollar in others, but there is always this process of determining "market value" on the spot.

What happens when we trade something of physical value -- such as a gold coin, for something as amorphous as a promise to pay in the future?

To make sense of that kind of trade, we have to adopt a fixed exchange rate, so that we know in advance what we are agreeing to trade for.
That is, we have to assign a value to a debt now and in the future.

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