Deep State Double Standard PROVEN

1 year ago

The ACLJ is suing Biden’s Deep State in a MASSIVE lawsuit. We caught the Deep State withholding required records after we submitted a FOIA request, while quickly turning over similar records to a far Left media outlet. We now have PROOF and are headed to court.
We’ve been warning you about Deep State corruption for weeks – well, let’s be honest, years. But now it’s gotten out of hand, and someone has to take action before the radical Left completely shreds the Constitution. They keep putting their foot on the scales of justice when it feels like they’re just about to be exposed. They’ve created two systems of justice – one for dealing with conservatives they don’t agree with and one for protecting themselves.
When ACLJ Senior Advisor Ric Grenell left his position as U.S. Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a Leftist mainstream media outlet filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding all of his emails, phone records, and other documents. And the Deep State stepped right up and turned over everything without hesitation. No lawsuit, no pressure, just easy cooperation.
When we filed a FOIA asking for essentially the same information from the Biden DNI two years ago, we heard nothing but crickets. But that’s the usual response from Team Biden. Unless you count the time they told us that they had closed another one of our FOIAs without any cooperation or attempts to meet the request.
When we want answers from the Deep State, we almost inevitably have to take them to court to ask a judge to force their cooperation. And even if and when they do turn over records, they only half-comply or send us documents that have been overzealously redacted to the point of being completely useless.
Enough of this political gameplay and deception. Deep State lawlessness must be brought to light, even if we have to drag these bad actors kicking and screaming into court.
That’s why we are filing against the Biden Administration today for withholding records from us, despite our FOIA request.
Part of our job at the ACLJ is to get the facts to the American people. And it’s unacceptable for the Biden Administration to treat a FOIA request (a legal demand) differently based on who made the request or if the information highlights bias and corruption. It’s also a violation of the First Amendment.
Especially when after receiving a request in an attempt to try and beat up on a conservative former DNI who worked for President Trump, they provided those records without hesitation or necessitating a lawsuit. It’s a blatant double standard.
It’s time for the Biden team to answer for their duplicitous behavior in court.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes more information about our latest lawsuit against the Biden Administration for withholding critical information from our FOIA request.

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