Orthodox Sephardic Jewish Wedding Sheva Brachot- 7 Blessings | Jewish Traditions & Ceremony

1 year ago

Orthodox Sephardic Jewish Wedding Sheva Brachot- 7 Blessings | Jewish Traditions & Ceremony

Have you ever wondered what happens after an orthodox Jewish wedding? For the majority, Orthodox newly married couples aren't jetting off to a honeymoon, but stay within the community to continue to celebrate their new union with friends and family.

#jewishwedding #orthodoxjewish #ceremony

For a detailed description of what the 7 blessings are please visit this site for actual text and transliteration of the sheva brachot: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/479965/jewish/Text-of-Sheva-Brachot.htm?utm_source=Paid&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=BL-Dynamic-Ad&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3a2iBhCFARIsAD4jQB2st7YrMBjVA_PhJ_VuQsatPmBQneIQn8iuoIPmjTey9QhiNwvfUZIaAvz0EALw_wcB

👉For collaboration feel free to reach out at smny19@yahoo.com
Instagram: @sonyasprep

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