1 year ago

Karty ILLUMINATI. Karty wydane w roku 1995 roku nawiązują do wielu znanych i kontrowersyjnych wydarzeń.
01 Princess Di (1:15 - 5:36)
02 Terrorist Nuke (5:37 - 14:01)
03 March on Washington(14:02 - 18:29)
04 Pizza for a secret meeting (18:30 - 28:59)
05 Conspiracy Theorist (29:00 - 33:40)
06 Feminists (33:41 - 46:51)
07 Elders of Zion (46:52 - 1:18:23)
08 Epidemic (1:18:24 - 1:44:24)
09 Read my lips (1:44:25 - 1:51:56)
10 World War Three (1:51:57 - 2:00:57)
11 Democrats (2:00:58 - 2:02:57)
12 Republicans (2:02:58 - 2:04:53)
13 Bill Clinton (2:05:30 - 2:06:02)
14 Hilary Clinton(2:06:03 - 2:06:30)
15 Congressional Wives (2:06:31 -
16 Population Reduction (2:20:38 - 2:21:47)
17 Censorship(2:21:48 - 2:22:00)
18 Charismatic Leader
19 Plague of demons
20 Enough is Enough
21 Vatican City
22 Saddam Hussein

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