FULL Leg & Glutes, strength routine with basics that I loved and enjoyed, connected and challenged.

1 year ago

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program- bit.ly/3VlXrJL

Ikaria Juice link- bit.ly/3LKKwhD

FULL Leg & Glutes, strength routine with basics that I loved and enjoyed, connected and challenged. (I've worked with dumbbells but I showed you how you can use other equipment from home if you don't have them, because excuses aren't worth the opportunity to move our bodies.) I performed a 10 minute muscle activation and then completed 4 circuits and WOW, it was done!

- 4x12 Sumo Squat, Running 12 with Weight 12 with Pulse and Jump.
- 4x12 Rear Loop, running continuously 12 with 12 weighted 12 with side jump.
- Estocada lateral continua 4x12, ejecutando de forma continua 12 con peso 12 con salto sin peso por lado
- Romanian Deadweight 4x15
- Puente 4x 15

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