Brownells Retro M16E1

1 year ago

Eugene Stoner did some incredible work. One of his pivotal pieces, which most all AR-15 rifles trace their linage back to, is the M16E1. Originally produced and fielded in Vietnam in 1964. Brownells has released a faithful copy of that amazing rifle in their Retro Line.

The Brownells XBRN16E1 is an amazing rifle. Featuring XM16E1 style upper and lower receiver, both matte grey anodized. A 20" 5.56x45 chrome lined barrel with 1-12" twist, 3 prong flash hider, true to type furniture, the whole bag. Owning this rifle is like having a little piece of history.

And on top of it all, it is a ton of fun to shoot. The rifle length gas system and buffer system make for a smooth recoil impulse. Not to mention the accuracy. I'm pretty impressed with this rifle on that front.

You can find this and the rest of Brownells Retro Line here.


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