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TheDimStream LIVE: Bunnyman Massacre (2011) | Easter Parade (1948) | Super Mario Movie a Hit
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! We'll discuss "Bunnyman Massacre" and "Easter Parade."
Live Chat:
JQuickDrawLet's do this
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+wtf the dimcunts are on time?
JQuickDrawOkay, I'll wait
Easy to tell them apart, one has sex with geese, and one is called Alex.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+heavy cream?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+whip it good
JQuickDrawlactose is so good I call it crack-tose
JQuickDrawYou should send the baked goods to Alex with a singing telegram. Don't know why, just seems like a good idea.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+coacoacoke a nut
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I prefer the D&D stories to the goat miling ones
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+this happens when you have no boobs bev
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+they have replaced all gingers in filmsand cartoons with ugly black women
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Alex is so tiny, sometimes it freaks me out
JQuickDrawBeverly, it wouldn't be ALL birds. That's just crazy. They have to insert robo-bird plants into bird groups, so people won't notice anything. You could be the one person they didn't count on.
JQuickDrawBeverly speaking into her bird's face, somewhere in Virginia, a tired overworked middle aged man drops his danish on the floor as he picks up a red phone, "She knows! She knows! Code Fly the Coop!"
Guyinroom83@JQuick was the birds is fake thing ever serious? I thought it was a troll
Guyinroom83Hi all, and happy covid is over day. Praise our leader for beating the coof.
JQuickDraw@Guyinroom83 Do you mean on this stream or generally in society? There are actually people who believe it, I think. Kinda like flat earth.
Guyinroom83@JQuick in general. i heard of it as a joke, so I assumed it was
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+There was a coof?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+bev is mystery meat and her god demands sacrifices
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Alex, we have "someone" impersonating you on the Guilded group. They are calling themselves "Sexy Alex". Can you confirm or deny that you are indeed "Sexy Alex"?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+we know the number now, you just doxxed bev baby
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I am sexy alex lol
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Alex, by the way, I joined Element, but I can't find the group. Can you post the link?
JQuickDraw@WinkyWankyWoo So you're trans-Alex?
JQuickDrawTwerking on a duck. And this is how civilizations crumble, people.
AlexofAllTradesI was saying last night that wasn't me.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+yeah only my boobs point upwards babes
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+beverly has sex with her Geese.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Spam Winky on Guilded with emotes until he corrects that.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I like my winky being spammed
Guyinroom83you know what, the birds in nyc are a bit suspect, tbh. they're a little too un bothered by people.
Guyinroom83@winky we don't kink shame here.
JQuickDrawI'm more worried about thunderbirds. Any flying creature that can swoop down and casually pick up a cow is terrifying. I hope they are not real, but it's at least plausible, unlike robo-birds.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+alex was turned on by my sexy alex account
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+All animals eat other animals, but isn't it strange that humans seem to be the only animal that takes care of other animals? And that some animals seek safety with humans?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I'm not changing my guilded name alex, just get used to it
Guyinroom83lemongrab seems a bit evil robot-esque
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+sexy alex is here forever
JQuickDrawAs long as he's not too sexy fo rhis name
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+You cant stop me
Guyinroom83i sent an application to guilded too, and 3 references and a letter of recommendation
Guyinroom83fingers crossed
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User
Guyinroom83no way superheroes would have time to own a dog
Guyinroom83then again, they are super, nevermind
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+the cgi in scorpian king was worst in history#
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+@Winky, that, and the way they showed a young Jeff Bridges in the Tron sequel.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+the rock can barely read a line without butchering it
Guyinroom83havent seen scorpion king since it came out
Guyinroom83remember when they remade the mummy not that many years ago?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+nintendo is for fags
Guyinroom83breath of the wild i mean I like it, but, there's no dungeons
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+alex is pc master race
Guyinroom83it was like shockingly different from any other zelda game. more like a survivalist game
JQuickDrawDidn't get pulled over, didn't roll the car, Beverly - "Today was a good day."
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Us rural types are actually ok and not country rapists
Guyinroom83It's a geese powered motor in her car. much slower than horse power
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+WHAT IS ALEX DRINKING
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Ugh. Pennsylvania and their damned automobile inspection process. Here in Ohio, we just have to get an e-check every two years - which is free, and takes like ten minutes.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I am an adult, I would never go and see mario
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+The Angry Birds movie a few years back was actually really good. I didn't know what to expect, but it was extremely entertaining all the way through.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+everyone ignore chaicago ferret
Guyinroom83knew the audience would be way higher
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Critics: "It was never SPECIFIED that Mario is a trans activist railing against the man, even though Citibank supports the movement."
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+BURN IT WITH FIRE
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Alex: "Not available yet." Bah. You're not trying hard enough.
Guyinroom83'the hills have eyes' ' texas chainsaw' 'wrong turn' hollywood loves rural people
pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Hello Rumblers
JQuickDrawHills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, etc.
Guyinroom83its always young college kids stopping at a weirdo gas station
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+hell o mr beav er
Guyinroom83yea, tucker n date was surprisingly good movie
Guyinroom83wrong turn was pretty much the 'home' episode of the x files in a movie form
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+house of 1000 corpses
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+What was the horror movie where the two guys and the girl mess around with a trucker over the CB, and the trucker chases them?
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+That was a good movie.
Guyinroom83jeepers creepers. made by a convicted pedo
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+cabin fever is shit
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Naw, it wasn't Jeepers Creepers. They guys pretended to be a girl named "Candycane". It had that Lulu Sobieski in it.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Knee Gar?
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+That's how the Federov guy ruined "Lost" and "Prometheus". He was more concerned about bringing up "twists" and questions, instead of answering them.
Guyinroom83@Chicago oh, not sure then
Guyinroom83yeah, i like prometheus though. but, yeah it's flawed
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Prometheus" was supposed to be a direct connection to the original Alien movie. But, nope. Once that Federov guy got his hands on the screenplay, he just messed it all up.
Guyinroom83yeah too many ideas. but i like it better than alien covenant still
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Peoples' main complaint about how that guy treats screenplays is how disconnected he seems from logical actions and how people would actually act.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you had 2 good aliens movies, and ever since then, it's downhill and getting worse every single time
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Covenant" was an effort to get the franchise back on the rails after "Prometheus" derailed it.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I actually kinda liked "Alien3". If you ignore all the meta-stuff about it, it would have been a good ending to the franchise.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I also like 3 . but first 2 are universally loved
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Indeed. Agreed.
AlexofAllTradesAlien Cubed was decent. 6/10
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+OO! Alex, you just reminded me. A good movie for you two to watch would be "Cube". A low-budget but effective horror film from the early 2000s.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+no, cube is pretty awful, even with the after films, explaiing it all, it's stillso bad and cringe
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+We need the girls to settle the debate.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+you think those are girls you are seeing?
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Also, the lead female lead got the role because she was the only person who had a car that the crew could use.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+bev has no tits, but big plot points
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Horror movie parody commercial:
Guyinroom83i did like the cube movies at the time. i do remember the first having very bad acting though
Guyinroom83'it was so rapey' - alex's quote on the movie poster
Guyinroom83could there be a horror w/ r*pe movie genre? i know there's a few.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+we 'country' folk are the best, mostly
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Bev and Alex, here is a mental game. You are lost in the woods. You see a cabin with a light on. You go up to the front door and knock. What kind of person do you hope answers the door, and why?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I'd hope a non-rapist opened the door
Guyinroom83Beverly, that breakfast was drugged.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I stand by my mario statement
Guyinroom83Winky, you are now banned, officially, for real now.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+#winkymarioparty
Guyinroom83yeah, it depends ont he show/movie
JQuickDrawLike Gary from Nerdrotic said on a recent FNT stream where Gavin McInnes was mocking them for liking comics, "There's no shame in my game." Most of the Nedrotic crew also have kids, so there's that...
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+yes, I am banned and cannot respond
Guyinroom83yeah, it does not paint a good picture of PA, lol
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+It's hard to paint a GOOD picture of Pennsylvania.
JQuickDrawThe episode of X-Files about the Carnies showed some freaks too, although not a disgusting as the Home episode.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh, hey. Bev is wearing shorts. Rawr.
Guyinroom83really? I only liked the over arching ones really
Guyinroom83well, I like fringe better now I think anyway
JQuickDrawFringe went too far with the alternate dimension stuff.
JQuickDrawThey over did it.
Guyinroom83it did get confusing, but try watching the show 'dark'
Guyinroom83if you think that was confusing
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Yeah, @Quick. I agree. I watched the first half of the first season of "Fringe", where they were establishing the whole "experimenting on the populace" thing. Then, a season later I saw an...
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...episode where some guys were using some plasma guns to cut through some pink goo. What?
JQuickDrawVince Gilligan is a master at continuity in his shows.
Guyinroom83all the zombie shows... hmm... predictive programming?
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Alex, a show that was really, really good about combing the show-of-the-week and the overall story arc was Venture Bros.
Guyinroom83that explains a LOT about 'Bev'.
JQuickDrawI hate Alien 3. Like, HATE hate. It's wrong on multiple levels as a movie.
Guyinroom83@jquick I actually saw that in theaters with my dad. My dad hated it more than anyone's hated any movie
JQuickDraw@ChicagoFaucet I didn't mind the initial stuff like that. But in later seasons, they kept revisiting the same idea of alternate dimensions, and it was tired.
JQuickDraw@Guyinroom83 Your dad sounds like a smart man.
Guyinroom83@JQuick not to mention the alternate version of olivia was annoying as hell
JQuickDrawI didn't see that
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+DO NOT SHOOT, IT'S WINKY
Guyinroom83thats true. actually, Beverly's dad would probably be the guy answering the door. he seems to be a woods dweller
JQuickDraw@Guyinroom83 "woods dweller" lol, like Tom Bombadil?
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+bev loves I love Lucy, but only the lesbian sex scenes
Guyinroom83@JQuick don't know him, but, more like, foraging for food in the woods and going off grid
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+extra stick notes bev
Guyinroom83oh wow. he's really on the lam then
Guyinroom83did he change his identity yet?
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Venture Bros. was hilarious, but also had some serious *gasp* moments and hard twists.
Guyinroom83there's a show called 'misquito coast' on apple tv, could be a story about your dad
Guyinroom83(about a guy on the run)
Guyinroom83naked and afraid??
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+The movie "Mosquito Coast" with Harrison Ford and River Phoenix was really, really good.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I watched the "Everest" Imax movie when it came out. It was kinda a big deal. I just remember thinking, "Yeah, but the cameraman is also carrying an 80 pound camera".
Guyinroom83oh, had no idea the show is apparently based on the movie
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+up Everest.
Guyinroom83never heard of the movie
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I actually don't know if the movie and show are related. But, they apparently have the same name.
Guyinroom83wikipedia says the show is loosely based on it
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh. Good to know!
Guyinroom83the shows actually very good imo
Guyinroom83also the show severance on apple tv is prob the best thing on there
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Judy Garland's real name was Francis Gumm.
Guyinroom83yep. mk ultra programming????
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+she was used, abused and sicarded
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+umm discarded
Guyinroom83aging was definitely worse back then maybe the smoking didnt help
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I like the word "sicarded" better.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+she was probably sicarded too
Guyinroom83alex is 35??
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+don't skinny shame other women you fat bitch
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Judy Garland was in a movie called "Meet me in St. Louis". It's so fluffy and pastel, it's like having sugar injected directly into the eyeballs.
Guyinroom83speaking of aging poorly, greta thunberg just turned 12.
Guyinroom83people always didnt believe my age either, but like last year i suddenly got some gray hairs coming in
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Greta thundercunt needs to slap her parents, especially her mother, who drank through her pregnancy
Guyinroom83lol. good point she does look a lil fetal alcohol-y
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+My favorite musical has Judy Garland and Gene Kelly in it. It's called "The Pirate". It's not well-known, but very good.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+A few years ago, people were asking, "Hey whatever happened to Rick Moranis?", thinking that there was some conspiracy. Then, Rick Moranis just came out and said, "Oh, I retired."
Guyinroom83my college had 'rent' and i hate musicals, but i honestly started liking some of the songs, despite them being solely about aids
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Hair was better than Rent
Guyinroom83ive only seen it as a play yeah . only singing does bug me
Guyinroom83rent was made back when being gay or lesbian was still a thing
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Alex speaks the truth.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I'm only 21 and have no idea
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Like, when I was a young adult, you didn't even go on a date with someone unless you were already interested in that person. And, if the first date went well, then, yeah, you were dating.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Even if the first date didn't go well, you still gave some allowances.
Guyinroom83you inspired me to maybe go and watch old movies to see how culture was different (even though its still movies)
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Like, it was a joy for both people to be on a date with each other. Today, it's like, sex first, then let's see about dating.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+So, if you can't even get sex, then you won't get a relationship.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Probably "Friends".
Guyinroom83i havent been on dating apps really for like a year. it's really dystopian and keeps getting worse on there.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+IT WAS ME
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Guy, I'm still on them. They've made me so crusty and salty, though. I just happen to be messaging back and forth with two women right now, after a year of nothing...
Guyinroom83lol. maybe better you don't name him then. 'some creepy guy'
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...But, if they both fall off the face of the Earth, I wouldn't notice or care. And, I hat that it has devolved to that.
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+holy shit, it really was me then lol
Guyinroom83yeah. ive had instances of talking regularly to women, then seriously, they randomly vanish. it's beyond miserable. the apps don't work for how humans are. no one likes them, women or men, either
Guyinroom83you never know if the person is not serious at all about it, doesn't care, or is even married or not who they say. or just, crazy and you don't know until meeting
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+I agree bev, women are aloowed to be boring
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+less is more, sometimes
Guyinroom83:meets guy named corey: oh, you're a human Corey.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Yeah, you have to start conversations with strangers in the middle of the conversation. "Hey, you would think that, after a thousand years, napkin technology would be further along. Right?"
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Alex prefers to be greeted with this phrase 'Hey Alex, what is itchy you massive slut?'
Guyinroom83'on my way there 😡 ' - alex email reply
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"ON MY #@&$ING WAY THERE!"
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+Resting Alex Face via email
Guyinroom83lol my dad does that
Guyinroom83resting dimcunt face
Guyinroom83that's... great.... ok... see you later then... 😔
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+My niece and nephew were talking about grammar today. Apparently, you are supposed to type all lower-case, and not use any punctuation.
Guyinroom83i used to constantly use 'jk' all the time for that reason
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Alex, I'm an INTJ, too. We're known as the "mastermind assholes".
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Female INTJ, I think, is the most rare.
AlexofAllTradesIt is.
Guyinroom83but do other people have to use signal? or can you just use it on your end
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Other famous INTJs are Elon Musk, Ted Kaczynski, Moriarity, and The Joker. It's one of the most popular personality types for villains.
AlexofAllTradesGibson from The Fall.
Guyinroom83lol, the joker, yikes
WinkyWankyWooSubSupporter+boring is the worst
Guyinroom83would a boring girl be a 'dimcunt'?
Guyinroom83yea i knew a guy who did only self-pity stuff in his profiles, and wondered why he wasn't getting matches
Guyinroom83yeah. good lookig women, or men, seem extremely boring and dull
Guyinroom83lol, could maybe backfire though. 'so where are we going, fellow friends'
JQuickDrawsorry about the diagnosis lol
Guyinroom83that sounds horrible, rofl.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Will you take on me? Aha."
JQuickDrawI use "Mwhuahaha" when I steal girl scout cookies. It confuses them because it sounds so fake.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Did that guy just run by saying "mwhuahaha'? Hey! What happened to our cookies?"
JQuickDrawThen I get on a bus and calmly sit there, waiting for my stop. And when I get off I tell everyone on the bus, "You'll never catch me! Mwhuahaha!"
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Did that guy just get off the bus saying "mwhuahaha'? Hey! What happened to our bus?"
JQuickDrawSignal uses a different location on your phone for the text messages. If you ever stop using the app, you lose all those messages because they are not integrated back into the normal location. FYI
Guyinroom83i tried watching the fall. there was way too much man hate in it, couldn't even keep watching. seemed like radical feminist
JQuickDrawYes, I steal a bus and cookies. Why stop at the cookies???
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Bev is DGAB: Duck Goth Aubrey Plaza.
JQuickDrawBeverly at the scene of an accident, "Oh you poor thing!" Runs past a person with massive blunt force trauma to pick up a puppy and make sure it's okay.
JQuickDrawI took one of those tests and came out as INTJ. Although I have a hard time answering the questions on such tests because there is so much information that is required to know how to answer.
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+The subreddit for INTJs is repeatedly voted as the most insufferable subreddit on Reddit.
AlexofAllTradesDitto, JQuickDraw
AlexofAllTradesWe are insufferable.
JQuickDrawWell, better to be thought insufferable when you don't suffer fools lightly 🙂
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I always use the "Injured Puppy" scenario to help a player figure out which alignment they are.
Guyinroom83none of these things ever list negative traits. it's always 'insightful, super creative, genius??'
AlexofAllTradesI saw insensitive on one for intj
JQuickDrawThey need a large enough sample size
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Also, a lot of people treat the MBTI as if it's a horoscope. It's more like a tool to understand why.
Guyinroom83when mercury is retrograding, INTJ becomes the exact opposite.
JQuickDrawI would put that on a business card - "Failed the Walmart Personality Test"
Guyinroom83'beverly, we've literally never seen these results . our systems can't even measure how off the chart you were'
ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Yeah, Alex, Freakonomics covers psychopaths and sociopaths in business and society as one of their topics.
Guyinroom83'ruthless ambition'
JQuickDrawOf course you have a lot of INTJs in this group. Libertarians and anarchists are schemers and critical thinkers, and very difficult in social situations lol.
AlexofAllTradesThat makes sense.
Guyinroom83'without conscience' is the book of the guy who made the psychopath test. he also did a book about white collar psychos
Guyinroom83i think i got INTJ
TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User
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