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79. What is Chlorine Dioxide, with Dr Manuel Apricio
No medical advice is given during this podcast. Please speak with your physician before starting a new treatment.
Today I talk with Dr. Manuel Apricio. He is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and he lives in Mexico. He began to open his eyes to what is really going on in medicine about 3 years ago. Dr. Apricio has treated over 8,000 COVID patients with chlorine dioxide with no deaths and has been in over 300 homes to treat COVID and he has not become ill with COVID. for more information. Dr. Aprico’s web site.
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79. What is Chlorine Dioxide, with Dr Manuel Apricio
Dr. Manuel Apricio: [00:00:00] We are energy. All our cells have energy. They move and they communicate through energy. So if you have a substance that can align that energy, then you'll have detoxification on your body. You'll have selectivity, for example, for the, for the cancer treatments. Chlorine dioxide is very select because cancer cells have a more acidity around them.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You know, they have a swollen process, they have different charges, so that's why ch clarine dioxide acts selectively in cancer cells. That is the very valuable thing. And for those doctors tell me now, now that's, that's impossible. You cannot treat cancer with metastasis. With the substance, with chloride.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Well, I'm about to publish a paper about cancer and chlor dioxide.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, for he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can [00:01:00] find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the us. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you for joining me again today. I first wanna give a shout out to all of my Patreon supporters. We've got Shell Pace at the $50 level, Sam and Angela Sheey at the $20 and 20 cents. We've got pandemic Reprimand at $17 and 76 cents a month.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's Ty Charles Tinfoil Stanley Dr. Anna Frank. Depa Kevin Alans has made his own $10 level the refined and not burned $5 level with Linda Emmy, Joe, pat, and Bev, pj, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer. And then courage is contagious. At $1 a month, we've got Amanda j SPTs, nasty Dorell and Suzanne.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Today I have a very special guest. He lives in a different country. He lives in Mexico, and he has a little more freedom in Mexico, [00:02:00] surprisingly, you know, we're supposed to be the land of the, the free and. In medicine. It doesn't really seem like that these days, but I have a very special guest. His name is Dr.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Manuel Apricio. Ooh, I think I just butchered it.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Don't worry. Do you say it for me? Say, well, Sam Manuel Ricio
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Aparicio. Yes. Yes, sir. Well there you go. It's all right. Please call me Sam, and if it's all right, I'll call you Manuel.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Of course, of course. Then we'll do it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so just before we started, you were telling me how your, your official training is in spinal surgery and pediatric spinal surgery at that.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But over the past three years, you've kind of found a new path where you're still doing the, the spinal surgery, which is incredible to find time to do anything else. If you know anything about medicine, like when you do one thing, you do that one thing and you do it all day long and more than all day long.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But he's found time to treat over 8,000 patients in the past few years, them. A new novel treatment. And there is one little disclaimer that I must state at the beginning is that anything we say today is [00:03:00] not medical advice and should not be construed as medical advice. It is merely for educational purposes only.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Very good. Sam? Yes, as you said, I'm an orthopedic surgeon. I have a special training in pediatric orthopedics and spinal surgery, and before the pandemic I can say that I was pretty much. About everything in medicine, everything is conducted the way they want it to be. And during the start of the pandemic, at the beginning of 2020, I started to study about the, the covid and, and any treatment available in the world.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And there was nothing available that was clear to heal Covid. So I started looking to chlorine dioxide. It was very interesting to me, and I did some research. I read some articles. I talked with and Andreas Calk, who's the biophysicist, who made the, the new version of chlorine dioxide, which is called CDs, and he convinced me about trying it in, in the Covid 19 patients.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I started with a couple of patients with [00:04:00] very mild cases, and they. Almost in 24 hours, 48 hours at the most. And so I started to use it in the more severe patients. And now as you said, I've treated over 8,000 patients with Covid 19. Right, right now is not the problem. You know it. Right now we are facing the J injury problem around the world and we are also training it with base treatment on chlorine dioxide.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And we're very successful so far. Gratefully, Sam.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's wonderful. And so some people may not know, and I'll put a link down below so that they can go check out the universal That's the universal, and there's a great documentary there and I've been able to speak with the creator of that at one point and he explains what MMS is and he explains what CDs is.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But can you explain a little bit of that to.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yes. Well, mms is like the, the initial form. Chlorine [00:05:00] dioxide. It's very practical. This was made up by Jim Humble, the engineer. He was so bright and, and he started using in South America to treat malaria with great success. All the patients healed in 24 hours, and it consists in activating sodium chloride with Clare at the moment.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You can, you can activate it with Citric asis or any a that, that, that's not a difference, but you can activate it on the moment and with low doses. For like many, many pathologists, you can use MMS without any problems, but when you wanna use higher doses, it is better to use CDs, which is chlorine dioxide solution.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Is a gas that is saturated into water. It's prepared before, and the concentrated amount of chlor dioxide, which is at 3000 parts per million, you dilute it in water and take it in different doses depending on the pathology. But for example, in the covid 19 patients who had respiratory failure, at the beginning of the treatment, we had to use very high [00:06:00] doses to, to start the treatment.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that would CDs would. Very bad Hirsch heimer reaction because of the dose and the toxicity of the, of the treatment. But with chlorine dioxide you can use higher doses with very, very few adverse vents.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and you had mentioned Hirsch Heimer reaction. Can you explain what that is?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yeah, well, it's a, it's a, it's kinda like an adverse event, but we don't call it adverse event because it is transient, it goes away.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So when you are taking chlorine dioxide, meaning mms or CDs, whatever you choose to take, if you have many toxins in your system, you're gonna get detox. From ch clarine dioxide. So as, as more toxins you have, the, the more probability to develop a Hersh heimer reaction, but as I told you, is transient because you're, you're detoxifying your body.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So as toxins go away, those [00:07:00] adverse events, Will go away too. So what we do, when we have a harsher reaction, we lower the dose, for example, to half the dose, and then we increase the dose gradually, like one cc or one activated drop a day until we get to the to the dose that we want to treat any pathologist.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: But that's why we call it harsh hybrid reaction and not ar adverse event. Because, for example of any drug, I don't know diclofenac, if you have an adverse event, that can be a gastritis. If you keep taking the, the diclofenac, you'll have more gastritis. Even, even though you lower the dose. Doesn't matter because it's an adverse event in that body.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: But with chlorine dioxide, if you lower the dose and then reach the, the ideal dose, then those symptoms will disappear. That's why it's, it's a Hersh shimer reaction and not an adverse.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's actually a perfect, great explanation of it. And I think one of the things is for the takeaway is if you're, [00:08:00] if you decide it's right for you to use for yourself and your family, just because you have this, this unusual reaction, maybe some loose stools or, or whatever it is, that doesn't mean don't do it ever again.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That means back off the dose, cut it in half. That's right. Like you had mentioned
Dr. Manuel Apricio: and, and get a good product and, and hopefully. Always someone to guide you in the treatment because as everything in medicine, Sam, you know it and, and you have to know how to use your substance to heal at any disease. And if you know how to use it, how to apply it, how to start a dose, how to increase it gradually.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Depending on the, on the evolution of each patient, because that's why we are individuals. Everyone responds differently to any substance. So if you have a good guidance, then you'll have a good success in your treatment, and that's very important.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: What other illnesses or disease processes have you treated with chlor dioxide?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Oh, that's, [00:09:00] that's a great question, Sam, because at the beginning when they told me that chlor dioxide could heal diabetes and autoimmune diseases, Camps, or whatever you name it, O obviously, viruses, bacterias, fungi, parasites, small parasites.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I couldn't believe it. As a scientist, I said, no, this is, this is no way possible. There's no substance in the world that can heal many things. But now after three years of using and learning, Along with chlor dioxide, we know that the mechanism of action of chlor dioxide is so complex. It is based on energy and voltages in the cell.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And you, if you imagine that chlor dioxide can align, The voltage or the energy in the cells because as you know, every single disease represents a lack of energy, and chlorine dioxide will equalize that energy, so that's [00:10:00] why it helps in so many diseases. At the beginning, we thought that chlorine dioxide was an oxidizing therapy, and right now we know that it oxidizes.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Some substances or some pathologies. But if you have something that is, has a higher voltage than chlorine dioxide, then it, it can act as a eder. So in the other way around, so it equalizes the disease. So it's very interesting. We are doing a lab research about ch clarine dioxide. We don't know.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: We have no certainty of how it's, does it work? For example, for cancer, we have some theories and we are proving them in the lab, but it is very interesting. How is it that it acts in, in cancer patients and in, in the very invasive cancer patients? So chlor dioxide is not a simple oxidizer. It's a very, very big.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That we can take with a lot of advantages for many pathologies, but we have to [00:11:00] know how to use it. That is the key.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, that, that's interesting cuz I, I've had another orthopedic spinal surgeon on quite a few times. Her name is Dr. Lee Merritt and we were talking a, a little bit about chlorine dioxide and, and she believes that most cancers, if not all cancers are related to parasites, which that would make a lot of sense if you're killing the parasite and that's causing the cancer.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You're gonna wipe out the cancer at the same time you take out the parasite.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That is correct, Sam. Yes. It's a new perspective for me because if three years ago you would've told me that cancer was associated with viruses and parasites, I would say, you're crazy. You're totally crazy. What you are saying.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: It doesn't make sense. But right now, as I have learned a lot in this pandemic, you have to unlearn to keep learning. If you don't do that, then you won't learn. If you didn't. The capability in your brain to take out the bad knowledge and taking new knowledge, which is this pandemic has brought a lot of things and a lot of good [00:12:00] things.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And if you don't unlearn that, you have to take care of the God first to treat any disease, then as a doctor you're gonna fail if you're gonna have remedies and not real solutions for your patients and remedies anyone can give to the patient. A remedy can be something to take away the headache, but if you wanna go deep and see why is the headache present it, and you go to the origins and you take care of that, then you will really kill the patient.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You will not give that patient a remedy, but a, a real comp complete.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That, that's, that has been one of the most difficult things cuz just before the whole Covid thing started, and I'm sure the listeners have heard me say this before, but I stumbled across a different way of eating to help with one of my di I was diagnosed with narcolepsy and a ketogenic diet or a carnivore diet a.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Some where you're in [00:13:00] ketosis. I heard that that helps and I'm like, well, this goes against everything I've ever learned. It just, it took the whole food pyramid, flipped it upside down and I was literally walking around in kind of a daze for a month just trying to like figure out what was up and down just from that one little thing.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just food and it makes perfect sense. What have people have been eating for 10,000 years? They've been eating fatty meat. It hasn't been causing heart attacks, so why would it make, what sense does it make that all of a sudden we're having heart attacks and strokes and, and all these horrible and diabetes and from the stuff we've always eaten?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, that's, they, what they say is causing it is not what's causing it.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I, I know Sam. Yeah, hype Parker just said it and he said it many times. Be the foot. Be your medicine and your medicine. Be your foot, whatever you take. Is what your body is gonna respond to. I'm gonna give you a, a a, a hard example that I passed in my life.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: My, [00:14:00] my, my oldest son, he has epilepsy and I went to at least 10 pediatric neurologist treat him, and he wasn't responding to medication. And in all the cases I asked the, the pediatric neurologist, Hey doc, what about a diet? What about if we change the diet? And without any exceptions, they all. That has nothing to do with the disease that your kid has after.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yes, I know I can. I, I can't simply understand it. So after searching a lot of things and looking for alternative treatments, we started a special diet, like a type of ketogenic diet. Specialized for, for the kid. And we took away gluten, we took away sugars, we took away daily products with a very strict way.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that's the only way that my son stopped having this epilepsy events. And I, I can't believe it really, because. The [00:15:00] medicine is not training us to heal the patients. The medicine has trained us to prescribe medications, to control the symptoms and not to really heal the patient, and that is really sad, Sam.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That's why, and now I believe it. That's why I choose orthopedics. There is a lot of orthopedic surgeon. That are doing right now, alternative medicine. And I know why, because I chose this orthopedic pathway, because I didn't like the, the science fiction behind the medicines. And if you have this symptom, then give this medicine.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I, I never liked that. I always liked the objective things. You have a fracture, you have to heal it, you have to put a plate in the screw, you have to put a antra metal nailing, or you have to do whatever you want, but you, you see it. You execute the treatment and then the patient gets healed after the ractor is healed.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So I was convinced that I was helping patients, and right now with the Covid [00:16:00] pandemic, that no one was treating the patients until they were in a bad condition. That was a very bad advice. We have to treat the patients in the first symptom, and they responded perfectly fine. If you go all the way into the complications until they have a very severe pneumonia, then you'll fail in the treat.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that's the way to solve the problem for the patients. Go to the origins, solve all the things that caused the disease, and then you have a, a patient that was really healed and not as a remedy, but a healed.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's an incredible perspective. I never thought that, cuz you know, I wanted to be a surgeon when I was in med school and you know, I did 11 weeks general surgery rotations and I was.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: This is not the lifestyle I want to have. This is a, a rough lifestyle, so I applaud you for, for doing a residency subspecialty. And then, and keep going. But but yeah, I, I like that idea of something's broken, let's fix it. And, and that's kind of what led me into family medicine is, is [00:17:00] I like to the different side of it is I like to talk to people as well, but I still have that, that mindset of, well, let's get to the root cause.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Let's not just, you know, mask it over, put a bandaid on top. Let's get to the root. And this chlorine dioxide seems to get to the root of a lot of issues.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That is correct, Sam. Yeah. It goes to, to the origins of the pathologists because of this energy, because of all we are energy, all ourselves have energy, they move and they communicate through energy. So if you have a substance that can align that, Then you'll have detoxification on your body. You'll have selectivity, for example, for the, for the cancer treatments.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Chlorine dioxide is very select because cancer cells have a more acidity around them. You know, they have a swollen process, they have different charges, so that's why ch clarine dioxide acts selectively. In cancer cells, that is the very valuable [00:18:00] thing. And for those doctors tell me, no, no. Now that's, that's impossible.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You cannot treat cancer with metastasis, with a substance, with chlorine dioxide. Well, I'm about to publish a paper about cancer and chlorine dioxide, and I'm working right now with a very, very experienced oncology radiation doctor. Is in Europe and, and we're working together in the lab and outside the.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: To, to treat more patients with cancer. That now is a very common thing with the, with the JF adverse events that we're seeing cancer every day in ev in, in every single family there is a case or there's a known case of cancer, and the only common pattern is that they got vaccinated three or four times, mostly with mRNA vaccines and we're treating.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: With chlor dioxide and other supplements, but based on chlorine dioxide with very good results.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So let me just pause for a moment to say, don't get any more [00:19:00] vaccines. Please don't let your family get them. If you have children in your family, you have grandchildren, please don't let your grandchildren get these things.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: These are a bio weapon. You know, and, and sir, you may not a agree with that stance. I know that's a hard line stance and you may agree with it. But I encourage the listener to go back to my episode number 33, where I show all the public source documentation, where it is a bio weapon in part developed by.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That is totally correct, Sam. We've been saying this for over now two years, and people has attacked us a lot. When they attack me, I say, okay, please let me know. What do I gain by saying that these jazz experimental jab. Are gonna do a lot more harm. They're good. What do I gain with that? What is my benefit?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Nothing just to get attacked, just to be insulted and, and I'm doing it as a doctor because [00:20:00] I'm genuinely. Concerned about humanity and what is coming afterwards. So if you, as an adult decided by yourself to get vaccinated, well not vaccinated, inoculate with this experimental injection and gene therapy, then that will be your decision, but please will never do it in your children.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Do not do it in your children because you would regretted for all your life. They're gonna have problems with their development and their reproducibility and all the things that are gonna come with years that we don't know of with this new technology applied in humans. So I would advise others to really think before inoculating the children.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yes, in an episode that is not published at at this time, but should be published before this episode goes out, I'm speaking with Dr. Robert Chandler and he gives this solemn and grave warning that that little boys and men who have received this jab may be infertile.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Forever. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: It's [00:21:00] studied. It, it, it the, the spike protein and the MRI information gets stuck in the organs, in their reproductive organs, also in, in the brain and in the heart because it goes more with the electrical activities higher. So this, this is causing a lot of damage. We are seeing it already, and we do not know, Sam, what is gonna happen in five or 10 years.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: The kids are gonna develop more autoimmune diseases and they're gonna have really big trouble about re reproducing theirselves. So, yes we're seeing the tip of the iceberg right now and all the bad things are, I think are gonna come within years,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: but there's hope. There's always hope. And you know, I don't wanna be too, too down on the bad things.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That's right. Yes. I, we, we have a, a, a very strict way of seeing things at the, the, the organization that I perceive, the World of [00:22:00] Health and Life coalition, that for every problem we have to give a solution. There is no problems without solutions. So for that we have developed an anti inoculation protocol.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: It's an AI protocol. We named it on purpose as an AI protocol, anti inoculation protocol. Know that is also for artificial intelligence protocol. And this protocol helps patients that have been jabed to detox before. They start having adverse events because once they have adverse events, you have to address individually to each patient because one might have myocarditis and one might have a, a, a vascular event in the brain, and another one can have an autoimmune disease or cancer, and that has to be treated individual.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You know, but like in a general matter, you can do this detox protocol after the jab and you will avoid most [00:23:00] probably the adverse events of the jab within, within the, the weeks or months. No.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And do you have a link for that? Can you send it to me so I can link it down below?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yep. They, they, they can go into the, our webpage is za, C o m u s a, and they can get into the page yet we have in English, in in Spanish, and we have some information in German and another languages.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And they can get into the AI protocol and you can download it. It's a presentation and I explain how to take it in Spanish or in English. And well, any doubts you, you can write there a message and we'll answer. Whatever you, whatever you need or whatever information you need, we can provide it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Awesome I was just gonna ask if it was in English also that that's a wonderful service you're doing for humanity. What other unusual disease processes have you seen and treated? And I, I'm gonna give a quick little anecdote that I've seen. I've seen a man who his son was [00:24:00] starting to have an anaphylactic reaction and, which I mean, you know, for a young, young boy that that can be a traumatic event, right?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Cuz you, you feel the throat closing up, you the sali. Pulling in the mouth and what are the options? You stab him with an EpiPen and go to the emergency room, like that's all trauma. And so this man gave his son some CDs. It was a pretty high concentration from what I understand is he tasted it before he gave it to his son and it actually burned his mouth and was a little tingly for a while.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But his son took it from the story is his son took a couple sips and then. The, the burning of the throat went away and it was replaced with a different kind of tingling from I, I think from the strength of the chlorine, the CDs, the chlorine dioxide solution, and then the reaction went away and he never had to stab his son with an EpiPen.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That's correct. Yeah. We have to have, everyone should have in a, in a rescue bag chlor dioxide. Cause it gonna help you do many things if you get bit by a spider [00:25:00] or a scorpion or whatever. If you take ch clarine dioxide, you put it on the side, you, you get the, the, the pinch of any insect. You can't save your life.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that's for real. And, and we have detox protocols for specific animals, how to take it and how to apply it. And if you are, for example, in the nature where, where there's no hospital, you should carry some chlorine dioxide to take it. If, if any event goes on, and as I told you before, Sam, it is an e equalizer.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: It equalizers also the poison. Of many many poisonous insects. So yes Clarine can save lives and he has some pretty much amazing effects on, on the body of many, many people. We have a lot of Cases they have told their story and they got like amazed with, with the evolution. And we have published some of these cases in the literature.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: But it is amazing how ch claron dioxide can help you solve many unsolved problems that regular medicine cannot take care of.[00:26:00] This is not, I mean regular medicine can take anaphylactic reaction, you know, but it's a very aggressive way to do it. As you said, an EpiPen and then an IV and cortisone or whatever come and with chlor dioxide is a very natural way to do it of the Chlorox, and that's it.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You'll stop the anaphylactic reaction, you know, so it's, it's a thing that we are struggling to, to, to get authorized by, by all the authorities worldwide. There should be a chlorine dioxide rescue bottle in first aid kit in the.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Now I'm gonna, I'm gonna direct the, the listeners and the viewers to go check out the link below, and I'm gonna tell it, it's the universal
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Go to the universal Watch that documentary. They're gonna explain how you can make this in your own house or if you wanna purchase parts of it, you can purchase it and make it yourself that way. What's a good way, let's say someone watch the videos. They made some CDs at 3000 parts per million.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: What's a good way to store it so that they can have it? [00:27:00]
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Well, that's a very good question. You have to keep it away from the sunlight, the, the sunlight, the uv radiation deactivates chlorine dioxide very rapidly, so you should maintain it away from the sun and try to avoid also high temperatures because it will lose power.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So if you keep it in, in a, in a dark place, even better in a fridge. It keeps perfectly well preserved for over six months. You have to close it very well because it is a gas. If the bottle is not, is not well closed, then it will evaporate as any gas, like, like, like any, any soda. You know, if you leave it a little bit open, you have no guess.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that's the same thing about clon dioxide. That's the cvs. But for example, to, to travel, for example, to the woods, and you take the mm. You take the sodium chloride and your activator and AC it, chloride it or citric it, and you can activate it in the moment and drink it without [00:28:00] any temperature or sun issues because you're activating it at the moment.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: If you have a CDs, which is already activated and you have to, to keep it away from the sun and the high tempera.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. Yeah. One thing that I've been doing or theoretically have been doing is I have those little eyedroppers, those little black eyedroppers that are plastic. And I'll fill that up and if I go out to eat, cuz I've noticed whenever I go out to eat and I drink the water, I tend to get ill and I tend to get covid like symptoms and so I, I just put a couple drops in the water and I haven't been getting ill anytime I go out.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That's very important Sam. And you, you have a good point here. If you have the cvs. With one cc in one liter of water, you'll take away all the viruses, bacteria, fgi, and small parasites away from the water. If you have MMS with one activated water per litter, then you'll have [00:29:00] the same effect. And right now we know that the water is pretty contaminated around the world, like almost everywhere.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So if we go to any place where they. Poor water. Then we should decontaminated with chlor dioxide. You have a, a very, very good water good quality water too to get intake.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Right. Any cases that you've treated or seen or heard of, of metastatic cancer that seemed to improve? Or, or, or better?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yeah, I've, I've seen a lot of them right now.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: The article that I'm gonna publish is about three cases with metastatic cancer, pretty bad. The patients were not responding to allopathic treatment, and we did the treatment with clon dioxide and they all. Wow. They have a follow up O of at least 24 months. They're not taking any immunotherapy or [00:30:00] chemotherapy, and they're maintaining their cells with a ketogenic diet and with chlorine dioxide, with extraordinary results.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And we have a bunch of cases like that. It doesn't work in all cases of metastatic cancer. But it works in a lot more than the conventional treatment, the chemo and, and immunotherapy. Even though that we know that immunotherapy is a lot more better than chemotherapy. The immunotherapy has a lot of progression in the last few years, and that can help a lot in the patient.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: But they do not respond well to metastatic cancer. So when you have metastatic cancer, we use ch clarine dioxide. It can be used orally via en. And. And they respond pretty well, but, but as any disease, you have to go to the origin of the disease. So you have to take care of the God, you have to change your, your intakes, your food, your diet, your supplements, and you have to [00:31:00] integrative treat.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: The patient and you have very good results. But yes, I've seen by myself as an orthopedic surgeon, patients being healed with chlorine dioxide. Imagine if an oncologist was open to this treatment, he could save a lot of lives.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Wow. That's like, is it total miracles that you're seeing? It's just amazing.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I wanna make sure that I understood you correctly. You said the first thing you have to take care of is, did you say you're God?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You've got gut, your second brain, your intestines. Yes. The, the, the, the intestine is your immune system basically. So there's more neurons in, in your intestine than, than in your brain.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So if you feed 'em well, you have a good response with your gut, then you'll have a good response to the disease. If you don't take care of the. And sorry about my pronunciation, my friend. Yes. It seemed like if you don't take care of the gut with chronic diseases, [00:32:00] autoimmune diseases, cancer, et cetera, you won't heal the patient.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: That is for sure.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. I was, I was hoping that was a good segue to, and I don't know what your religious preferences are, if or if you have any, but how. Having God, whatever you that is to you, to me, it's, you know, Jesus and, and the God of the Bible. That's a really important part of healing and, and getting your body right and often that part is forgotten about my many doctors.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Completely, completely a core concur with you, Sam, and I'm a Catholic. And I always respect all type of religions. I just say, whatever your your beliefs are, you have to think about that energy and focus on that energy that is gonna heal you in that. We have the three things, you know, the biological, the physical, and the spiritual part.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And if you are healed also with the spiritual part, then you have a better response in your in your diseases. So you have to take [00:33:00] care of the three parts. And yeah, I respect everything, all the patients, all the beliefs are completely I respected by myself. Yes.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yes. And I, I think that's, that's important.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You know, you, you're, you're sounding like a, a family medicine doc and a more than a surgeon, which is great cuz usually surgeons just have a completely different and I, I certainly don't mean that as an insult. I mean that as the highest compliment. But yeah, I think that's, that's great that, that you do look at all three of those parts.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It is important.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yes. And yeah, it is important the patient has to heal in all the three fronts. If you have one of these three that is not functioning well, that you won't be completely healed, you will be partially healed. So the patient has to take care of the, about that energy, whatever his, his beliefs are. It is an energy and it is very,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. What other things do you want us to, would you like to tell us about some of the chlorine dioxide and like practically using like, you know, like we discussed how to store [00:34:00] it and how to transport it, but what other practical things have you noticed?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Well, if, if you are for example around sick people, if, if you have in, in your house anyone that has a virus or a bacteria or whatever, you should take the chlor dioxide in a prophylactic way.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And that prophylactic way, it's consistent. 10 cc or 10 activator drops in one liter of water taking it through the day. And you can also, for example, In, in my case, if my wife is sick and she has the flu, and I, I sleep with her every night, I'm not gonna stop doing that because she has the flu. So I would put some chlor dioxide in, in right next to my bed in, in, in a little tequila device here in Mexico.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: It's very popular and you, you just put it in. It will evaporate through the night and we'll sterilize the room so you won't be contaminated even though your wife is right next to you, you know? So that, that's the H protocol, the [00:35:00] room purpose. H for Spanish A is, is the room protocol, and it works pretty well.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And what I do as a doctor and, and I think that everybody should do it right now in, in this crazy times. I carry my prayer. With chlorine dioxide, any sprayer, any device that you have it, you put one third of chlorine dioxide and two third of selling solution and you can spray it in your eyes, in your nose, in your hands, whatever.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You can spray it as many times as you want, and you'll get away the virus and the bacteria of touching everyone, you know. So that's very practical and you can carry it. You can have it in your, in your pocket, and it helps a lot. It helped me a lot. I, I didn't wear a, a, a mask when I saw the patients with Covid.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I just used the, the, the sprayer of chlor dioxide because a mask that is used in a long fashion. You will deteriorate your immune system, so you should not wear masks [00:36:00] for a prolonged period. Masks are for doctors who are doing surgery or are with a contaminated patient. That's it. And chlorine dioxide can help you to eradicate viruses, bacterias, et cetera in the moment.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So for the covid 19 patients, I didn't use face masks, and I've never used it and I'm never gonna use it. Doesn't work. The size of the virus is a lot smaller than, than the holes that are in your mask. So it is just absurd to use it and to think that that's gonna help you preventing anything.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Even to further your point, the N 95, which is the best mask that we have, it can stop particles 0.3 microns and. The, the alleged size of the COVID virus, if that, that's what it is, is 0.15 microns. So it's half the size, meaning it will whizz through both directions and it's so tiny, it will never hit the ground.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It'll never settle to the ground. It takes more than 56 hours to, to settle to the ground. So it essentially never touches the ground. So [00:37:00] you're just covering your face, causing more problems, retaining co2 and, and dehumanizing yourself and everyone around you.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Exactly. That was the, the main goal. I think elimination everyone because I mean, kids, they suffered a lot and they were, I was, I was laughing, but isn't, this is nothing to laugh about.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: But when my kids were in, in Electronic sessions at their school and they made them use the mask. I said, no, no, no. There's no way. I mean, what are you, what are you telling me? And then when they went back to the school for a few months, they had to use the face mask. The face mask. I was really concerned about it because there are studies, they have proof that Kids that use face masks in a prolonged fashion, they will have a learning issue afterwards because they are not optimizing the oxygen consumption in the brain.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: They will, they will not in the same rhythm that the kids that are not using it and, and having a good oxygenation. [00:38:00] So, I mean, this has been absurd all, all the way around. I mean, since the beginning and all the measures. Completely absurd. They were never proven, and now we are seeing the problems about those measures.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. And a couple other things about the mask is, I mean, you don't learn facial cues. So you know when you get that weird feeling that you're around someone that just, just makes you feel weird. You don't really know what it is, but you just wanna leave the area. Well, kids won't learn that and they'll be more susceptible to predators, I fear because they're not seeing the face in the facial expression.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And they're gonna be more apt to get dental caries, get cavities in their mouth because when you have a mask on, you tend to mouth breathe, which dries out your mouth and allows bacteria to
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: take over
Dr. Manuel Apricio: that's right.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And the social expression and, and and all the relationships in between the kids is altered because of the expression.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So it is that from the beginning to the end, kids would never have to use any face like that. It's just absurd.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Your spray bottle idea of having the, the one third, [00:39:00] two thirds, that made me think of the nebulizer. Are you using a nebulizer in treatment?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yes. It has to be supervised by a doctor because chlor di has to be used in perfect doses to use it by inhalation, because that, that's the easiest way to get.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Intoxicated with chlorine dioxide. If you take it orally, you will not get intoxicated. It is almost impossible you would've to take five liters of the concentrated chlorine dioxide to get intoxicated, to get to the LD 50. That those that kills 50% of the people, you have to take five liters of the concentrated clarine dioxide.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You, you'll not be able to take half litter, even if you want it in one day. But, but the inhaled dose. Are a little bit more delicate. So like the iv, like the intravenous protocol that has to be done by doctors. I recommend the nebulizing protocol to be supervised by doctors or nurses. What we do is whenever we have a [00:40:00] respiratory problem, for example, right now we're seeing cancer patients with lung metastasis.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Then we need the clarine dioxide, the closer to the problem. So if we have lung metastasis, we have to. Nebulized. So what we use is three ccs of cell solution and three drops of chlorine dioxide at 3000 parts per million. And we use it once, twice, or three times a day in the patients with pneumonia during covid.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: We used it nebulized for many days and it worked. Perfectly. The patients with pneumonia were a very VA pneumonia with COR five and the NU classification of the COR six, they were at the end of the treatment without fibrosis. The, the, the, the lung was completely normal. It, it looked like nothing had happened in there, so it works pretty well and you have to combine it.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: The principles of chlorine dioxide is the closer the. And the more time that you use it, the better result you're gonna get. So a lot of [00:41:00] hours during the day and the closer to the problem. Not deep doses in low times, but lower doses in, in a lot of hours during the day. That is, that is the key management for, for chlor dioxide.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Perfect. And what about eating? Because I've heard some people say, oh, you need to fast while you're doing. And other people say that doesn't matter as much as just little dose all day long. You know, is there certain foods that deactivated or make it less effective?
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yes. Antioxidants can deactivate cla dioxide.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: For example, if you take vitamin C even though if you take it at night, for example, and then, and the next day you take chlor dioxide, it will not have the same action because vitamin C is kinda like accumulating in the body as you take it more days. So I would advise patients that are taking chlorine dioxide not to take vitamin C.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: If you wanna take vitamin C then. Do it, but quit for a few [00:42:00] days, chlorine dioxide, and then start taking vitamin C again. You can take like regular antioxidants without a problem with at least one hour separation, same as any food one hour before and one hour after. Any intake you should stop taking clarine dioxide if you're drinking, for example, coffee or.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You have to stop half an hour before and after. And another important thing is that if you're doing fasting, and that's a very, very common question. They tell me, I do fasting 18 or 20 hours a day. Can I take cla dioxide? Yes, of course. And fasting is a great way of healing. You have to do it in, in a controlled matter.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: You cannot do it fasting like, I'm not gonna eat for 36 hours, and that's it. No. You should do it in a control fashion. Start prolonging that fasting in hours. You start with 14, then go to 15, 16, et cetera, until your body is adapting to that changes. And there are a lot of good things about [00:43:00] fasting. You, your body's gonna respond well.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Remember again, the gut. The gut, you have to heal it. And with fasting, you make it rest. You have a better immune response. But you can take chlor dioxide, even though if you're fasting 20 hours, you can take chlor dioxide in those 20 hours. And then if you're gonna eat. Those four hours, then you stop taking chlorine dioxide those four hours and take it afterwards again.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So yes, you can do it, but you have to separate one hour before and after. And with medication is the same thing one hour before and one hour after. We are still doing some studies of specific substances to combine it with chlorine dioxide. Right now we know that just a few substances that cannot go along with chlorine dioxide very.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Most of them you can administer them, and the worst case scenario would be that the chlorine dioxide would be inactivated for a few hours, and that's it. That's the worst case scenario. So it's not too bad.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So have you found any contraindications of [00:44:00] medications or disease processes? It would be an absolute contraindication to try chlorine dioxide.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Yeah. Well, in the paper m. Yeah. In, in it is a, like, like in the paper is a contraindication for chlor dioxide. Because any, any people that has had fism cannot take any oxidative therapy because they will have an TIC anemia, you know? But that was in the paper because now that we know that chlor dioxide is not only an oxidizer, but it's an equalizer.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I have two families with ha bism that took chlorine dioxide and nothing. Nothing happened. And as I told you, clon dioxide is, it acts according to where does he have to act and what cell he has to interfere with. So in the paper, we said at the beginning, do not take, you have aism. Did not take clon dioxide.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: And another example is if you, if you're taking water in, [00:45:00] The very ACE Marine or warfarin in the very old fashioned anticoagulant, then you have to take care. And that's true because you ha you can have bleeding because all the warfarin and ace patients have the ironer, the, the, the index of of Coagulability prolonged.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So you have to take tests before you take chlor dioxide and start taking chlorine dioxide and lower the dose of warfarin. So you have a, a, like, like an even response. But that is mainly the, the only thing that you should, that like you like really with care if you're taking. Wow.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So I wonder if, if your in arc could normalize so much that you could maybe come off the Warfarin, if there's any, you know, if there's any future studies.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If it, if it makes your blood. So just, just in the right spot where you're able to, to come off that.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: I know even though there are a lot of cardiologists that are still prescribing warfarin for silicone [00:46:00] and they're a very good quality new anticoagulants, they have a, a reduced effect and do not alter the parameters in the broad.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: So maybe. There will be no more indications for warfarin, Neurocrine. That's not my, my area of specialty, but there are very advanced oral anticoagulants that have a great effect without prolonging the, the, the timing of the correlation. So yeah, I think that there are some things in, in medicine that have been used for years and are not necessarily indicated nowadays with, with, with all the new substances available for.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, wonderful. I want to be respectful of your time cuz you're a very busy man and you're doing wonderful things in this world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming on, and I, and the listeners don't know, but there was some technical difficulties I tried to get you on one day and some 18 wheeler hit a bunch of fiber cables and like the whole town was out.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, but I want to thank you so much for coming on and, and sharing [00:47:00] this, this.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: No, no. Thank you Sam. Thank you for this interview. We can talk again whenever you want and we'll find some time for sure as we have signed some time for the interviews. And, and I really wanna thank you for this effort and I hope to see you soon.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Dear Sam.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, yeah. Maybe we can get some questions and line them up and, and see if we can do some q and a in, in the future. That would be, that's great.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Wonderful. I love to do q and as because that, that solves a lot of questions in, in the audience. So if, if, if, if people send you some questions, send them to me or we'll do it live without any problems.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Any question. I've been doing this for three years, so I'm kind of an expert right now.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's awesome. That's. Well, thank you sir, and God bless you and, and you know, just keep doing the amazing work that you're doing.
Dr. Manuel Apricio: Thank you very much, Sam. Thank you for this interview and we'll keep working for humanity and giving solution to, to all the people that has a problem nowadays.[00:48:00]
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there in duty, uniform of the day, the full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Are you concerned about not having food for your family around the house with these troubling times, having food for you and your family is one of the most important things. Please take a look at Harvest Wright Freeze Dryers. Use the link below, see if it's right for you and your family. You can freeze drive meat, fruit, vegetables if you still eat them, and even.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Not strong foods. There are some weak foods that I call 'em that are great for morale. Ice cream is really good.
Dr. Sigoloff
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