Bryce Biba, 19, suffers sudden cardiac arrest before gym workout. Doctors baffled

1 year ago

MARCH 17, 2023. Apparently healthy 19 year old Bryce Biba suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest while in the gym, just moments before a normal workout. He survived with the help of immediate CPR.

Doctors are baffled on what could've caused this incident. He now has an implanted cardiac defibrillator and heart medications.

Biba said after the incident, “I mean, I just like to think everything happens for a reason, so I don’t have any control over it. It just happened, and just move forward from there.”

His cardiac arrest may have been caused by decisions that absolutely *were* under his control, such as consenting to take experimental injections which induce blood clots and heart inflammation, among countless other medical harms.

As is the norm, his Kool-Aid status is not mentioned in this report.

While there is insufficient information to determine if the suddenitis causing injection had anything with his incident, it should be assumed that it was the cause until we have perfect evidence to the contrary, in light of the abrupt drastic increase in the rate of sudden cardiac arrests since 2021.

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