Sunday Message: WATCH YOUR WORDS - Chuck Kennedy

1 year ago

October 16, 2022 Sunday Message: WATCH YOUR WORDS - Chuck Kennedy
Rom 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
One of the most difficult spiritual truths to walk in is
Confession, calling those things you do see or feel as if they were already in existence to you
This is how faith works
2Cor 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
A window into the spiritual world
How things work in the unseen world
You say what you believe
Then you act upon it
Matt 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Matt 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
Matt 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Matt 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Again in Luke
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
This is how faith works
For your salvation as well as all life
Rom 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Rom 10:7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)
Rom 10:8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Many believe He can, but they ponder, will He?
Faith begins where the Word of God is revealed or known
Many Hope He will
They just cannot bring themselves to believe He has already done it
Their confession is;
I am believing for it
I hope so,
I know He will, it is coming,
Yet Faith is NOW, it has to be NOW
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Rom 8:24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
Rom 8:25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
How do we cross from hope to real faith
How do we appropriate faith that works?
There must be absolute confidence He has done it already
Rom 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
Rom 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
Rom 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:
Rom 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
Rom 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
Rom 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
Rom 4:23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
Rom 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
Your words control the events in your life simply because you say what you really believe
Then you act upon it
Jas 3:2 For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
Prov 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Ps 50:23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.
2Kgs 4:17 And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.
2Kgs 4:18 And when the child was grown, it fell on a day, that he went out to his father to the reapers.
2Kgs 4:19 And he said unto his father, My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother.
2Kgs 4:20 And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.
2Kgs 4:21 And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out.
2Kgs 4:22 And she called unto her husband, and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of the young men, and one of the asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again.
2Kgs 4:23 And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, It shall be well.
2Kgs 4:24 Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee.
2Kgs 4:25 So she went and came unto the man of God to mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that Shunammite:
2Kgs 4:26 Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.
In the New Testament
Matt 8:8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
Matt 9:18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.
Matt 9:19 And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.
Matt 9:23 And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,
Matt 9:24 He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.
Matt 9:25 But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.
Matt 9:26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land.
The reason why so many miss this
Matt 13:19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.

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