Monica Crowley - A Perfect Storm on the way to DESTROY the US Dollar

1 year ago

Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia are teaming up to destroy America by ENDING the US Dollar.

Russia will begin using the Chinese Yuan for International Payments instead of the dollar. This was the PLAN from decades ago people. Biden was placed here to sanction Russia so they would stop using the dollar and Saudi Arabia can't wait to do their part in dumping the US Dollar.

This is the Calm before the Storm of INCREDIBLE INFLATION hits American -- we have not seen anything yet. It's going to get ugly fast, then they will put either Trump or DeSantis in to be the "Savior" of America.

Central Bank Digital Currency will be part of that with Free Cities and Universal Income based on your Social Credit Score which will be based off of compliance.

American Citizens remain CLUELESS to the changes that are coming.

This is a plan and Trump will be used to "Make America Great Again", but in reality it will be make America slaves to the One World Government. Yes, everything will seem wonderful at fist, that's how they corral the sheep.

Watch the Yuan vs US Dollar.

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