Virtues of a Good StartUp Entrepreneur

1 year ago

you are here listening to me because you're you have shown interest to be part of Sonic on the ecosystem that I've built there was uh Sonic on was built based on an unique need in the industry after traveling through startup ecosystem myself you know going from one startup ecosystem to the other startup ecosystem helping the companies in an ad hoc way over the last five years one thing I have found is most of the startup ecosystems are not very deep so either they are used as a platform for raising the funds or it's just a meeting point for connecting the people so in both cases it's kind of an assume that company is already qualified for funding or to grow but most of the cases it's not so um entrepreneurs or you know entrepreneurs do great job you know first of all I congratulate you um being taking the journey as an entrepreneur uh it's a fantastic uh you know a vision um trying to be being an entrepreneur is going to give you a lot of uh perspective in life and first of all you're taking a decision uh you know to be a person uh to to contribute to this world through the with the help of the products and solutions that you are going to create right um but the journey is not going to be that easy it's a as an entrepreneur you know especially as a serial entrepreneur I have gone through this many times it's a painful Journey but it's Pleasant right Pleasant and painful um but then uh the most important thing with the entrepreneurship is um unlike job market where if you don't get qualified for one job you'll get another job or if you get sacked from a job you know in a specific industry you will get another job but when it comes to being an entrepreneur if you fail in one venture pretty much you will be demoralized um shattered from inside as well as from outside in inside shattering is one thing that you can work on but then outside shattering um is very painful um Second Chance from the market is very difficult for an entrepreneur the investors would not give a chance to fail the entrepreneurs uh the financial institutions would not give an opportunity and even the market and the customers would also you know have a second thought on that right so that's the most painful part of being an entrepreneur but once you are successful then things can you know fall in place but even very successful entrepreneurs uh you know they have to um maintain the you know the the standard by which they are playing on right uh the recent failures of Facebook is a perfect example yeah you know it's not just a one-time achievement being an entrepreneur you have to sustain and uh you know keep there in order to be you know successful as an individual person as well as you know as a person who is creating um the successful companies so that's where you know it is so important um to you know look at this initial stages of your life the companies that you get involved with um the ecosystem that you you know get connected as you say in the job right your first job makes all the difference in your life right in the career same way your first group or ecosystem that you get attached to as an entrepreneur as a things like you know the ecosystem like Sonic on is going to make a lot of difference if you uh make a right decision to be with the community uh you know good decision with a good Community uh like Sonic on a good ecosystem like Sonic on then your perspective of Life the progress in life everything is going to be very different and unique and good right if you make that mistake uh probably you know uh you're going to be shattered correct so that's why you have to be very careful um choosing the first uh environment that you know as an entrepreneur you associate with even if you have made some mistakes in the past and we you have to make it new decision in terms of aligning with the ecosystem like Sonic on I'm not saying Sonic on is the only game in town but you know like in the world obviously you have a lot of good environment but we have taken that into consideration uh when we designed uh Sonic on so Sonic on is more as a foundational uh institution uh you know which gives you everything that you need to Anchor yourself and your use case and your company deeper in uh you know in in by into the market uh before even going for asking for funding and other things so we welcome entrepreneurs who has this kind of a broader Outlook ready to travel uh deeper in the beginning uh you know and then from the beginning itself right and having patience to you know get into the next so we have once you are with the uh Sonic on Sonic on is like an anniversary you know you have The Graduate under graduation and the post-graduation programs and the universities same way even under Sonic on once you get into the Sonic on ecosystem you know we definitely want you to be um we don't take people directly into the acceleration as much you know uh possible or as much filtration we can do because we don't believe companies can accelerate directly.

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