Sportsman's Guide and Patreon

2 years ago

Check out the Sportsman's Guide here:

If you are unfamiliar with Patreon, it is a platform where people can support content creators. Allowing people to contribute anywhere from $1 a month on up, to ensure creators continue making videos, podcasts, music and what not.

The other day I got a pleasant surprise. Sportsman's Guide began supporting me at $50 a month. Being incredibly grateful, I reached out to thank them.  I received a pretty cool response.

They wrote back explaining how the 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment was important to them, both as a business and on a fundamental level. They have in turn supported myself as well as a number of other content creators that they feel are good stewards of sorts for the industry.

I'm very impressed with their commitment to the industry and grateful for their support.  If you're interested in some cool gear, to include Military Surplus, check out Sportsman's Guide.

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